Reacting to The Sunday Mail article, Don Staniford, Director of $camon $cotland, said:
“The RSPCA must pull the plug on the shameless welfare-washing of Scottish salmon via RSPCA Assured. Certifying salmon farms in Scotland as 'responsible' is destroying the credibility of the RSPCA. The RSPCA should return the blood money it rakes in from deadly salmon farming. Anyone seeing the shocking video evidence and horrific death rates cannot escape the conclusion that Scottish salmon farming is inherently irresponsible. RSPCA president Chris Packham can stop the suffering of tens of millions of fish by rescinding RSPCA Assured accreditation of Scottish salmon. Salmon farming in Scotland is dead in the warming water - instead of throwing it a lifeline via RSPCA Assured the RSPCA should campaign for the closure of all Scottish salmon farms. Until this lethal industry is shut down completely, consumers should boycott all RSPCA Assured Scottish salmon.”
Read more via: Media Backgrounder: Chris Packham & R$PCA A$$ured $cottish $almon (October 2023)