Here's emails, photos and CCTV surveillance disclosed by Kames via 'Subject Access Request' on 17 March 2023:
The CCTV footage above - and other visits to Kames - appears to have triggered complaints to Police Scotland:
Watch video footage of morts shot at Kilmelford pier (used by both Kames and Mowi) in September 2021:
The SAR disclosure by Kames (17 March 2023) - which came via five PDF bundles - alludes to surveillance:
It is not known if the surveillance was via the same illegal GPS tracking device used to track Corin Smith or whether it was sourced by a tip-off:
The SAR Disclosure by Kames (17 March 2023) includes a flurry of correspondence in relation to secret filming at Shuna Castle fish farm in September 2021 - which Kames claimed was "out of context" and "not worthy of discussion":
Here's the offending video footage shot at Shuna Castle fish farm in September 2021 (the site farms Steelhead trout not Atlantic salmon but the lice and mortality problems are similar):
Kames claimed in a press statement reported in Fish Farmer (24 September 2021) that the secret filming represented an "unlawful intrusion":
Fish Farmer deleted the phrase "unlawful intrusion" - here is the article as it currently stands:
Kames told their customers that "no welfare abuse" had been found by the Animal & Plant Health Agency:
Here's two drafts of a press statement from Kames:
Kames claimed that the filming "potentially caused harm to the sick fish":
The SAR disclosure by Kames (17 March 2023) refers to secret filming in Loch Tralaig:
Here's video footage shot in Loch Tralaig - dubbed 'The Poisoned Loch' and featured by The Ferret:
Loch Tralaig can be a dangerous place for people daring to film Kames at work using toxic chemicals:
The SAR disclosure by Kames (17 March 2023) points to shared intelligence by the $almafia:
The SAR disclosure by Kames (17 March 2023) includes social media tracking:
Kames took obvious delight in the "wonderful news" that Mowi was taking legal action against me:
The SAR disclosure by Kames (17 March 2023) included correspondence with Ruffians (a company owned by Andrew Cannon - son of Kames founder Stuart Cannon and co-owner of Kames):
The SAR disclosure by Kames (17 March 2023) cited the Kate Winslett-narrated film 'Eating Our Way to Extinction':
Undercover footage showing the extent of welfare abuse, mortalities, chemical use.
— Salmon Scotland (@SalmonScotland) October 22, 2021
“This is what the industry doesn’t want us to see”@MairiGougeon @MairiMcAllan @MathesonMichael #COP26
Kames wrote to $camon $cotland on 17 March 2023:
From: Kames Fish <[email protected]>
Date: Fri, Mar 17, 2023 at 11:49 AM
Subject: Response to DSAR – Email 1
To: [email protected] <[email protected]>
Dear Mr Staniford
We refer to your Data Subject Access Request made under section 45 of the Data Protection Act 2018 (“the 2018 Act”) and accepted on 21 December 2022 (“the DSAR”). We refer to you as the Subject in this response to the DSAR. The response is made by Kames Fish Farming Limited (“Kames”) (“the Responder”). The email address [email protected] is the contact email address for the Responder. A reasonable and proportionate search has been carried out to identify potentially qualifying Subject data. The following search terms were used to search a Microsoft Exchange System and Kames Server (Hardware) : ‘Donald Charles Staniford’, ‘Don Staniford’, ‘Staniford’, ‘07771541826’, ‘[email protected]’, ‘[email protected]’, ‘$camon $cotland’, ‘Scottish Salmon Watch’.
The Responder is not aware of any abbreviations, IDs or nicknames, or, aside from the search terms used, any other means by which the Subject could be identified. It has not been possible therefore to conduct searches for abbreviations, IDs or nicknames in response to the DSAR. Further, any search for abbreviations, IDs or nicknames of which the Responder are unaware, for example where they have been used by a third party, would involve a disproportionate and excessively difficult task. Potentially qualifying data was identified in several digital documents. The names of third parties have been redacted in order to protect the rights and freedoms of others, in terms of section 45(4) of the 2018 Act. Crime information, in terms of paragraphs 2(1)(a) and 2(1)(b) of Part 1 of Schedule 2 of the 2018 Act, has been removed. Legally privileged information, in terms of paragraphs 19(a) and 19(b) of Part 4 of Schedule 2 of the 2018 Act, has been removed. The documents to be disclosed to the Subject as part of this response are in 5 PDF bundles and 4 zipped files. These are named, respectively, ‘Bundle 1’, ‘Bundle 2’, ‘Bundle 3’, ‘Bundle 4’, ‘Bundle 5’,’ Zip File 1, ‘Zip File 2’, ‘Zip File 3’, Zip File 4’. Bundle 1 is attached to this email which is headed ‘Response to DSAR, Email 1’. The remaining 4 PDF bundles and 4 zipped files will be sent as attachments to eight further emails, and each email will have one attachment. We would be obliged if the Subject would confirm receipt of all 9 emails by return.
Such Subject data as is held by the Responder is used to respond to questions from the Subject and others on environmental issues relating to the marine aquaculture activities of the Responder and for the Responder’s legitimate business interests.
All documents containing Subject data held by the Responder are either correspondence from the Subject or correspondence between the Subject and employees of Kames or correspondence among employees of Kames or digital recordings by Kames of the Subject on Kames’ property without authorisation or are publicly available documents. No Subject data has been obtained by the Responder without the Subject’s knowledge from any other source.
Very limited Subject data is held by the Responder. The categories of Subject data held include: the Subject’s name, the Subject’s location (at specified or unknown times), the Subject’s occupation, the Subject’s reputation, the Subject’s beliefs associated with marine aquaculture and information contained in publicly available documents made publicly available by the Subject.
Subject data has been disclosed to employees of Kames principally. Reference has been made to the Subject’s activities in correspondence sent to Police Scotland. Reference has been made to the Subject’s activities in correspondence with other companies involved in marine aquaculture in Scotland.
Subject data is held for up to 7 years. Subject data is held for no longer than is necessary for the purposes for which the Subject data is used. Kames is committed to the regular review of personal data, which includes the Subject data, it holds.
In relation to this response, the Subject may make a request to the ICO under section 51 of the 2018 Act. The Subject make a complaint to the ICO or apply to the Court under section 167 of the 2018 Act. The contact details for ICO Scotland are, as follows,:
The Information Commissioner’s Office – Scotland
Queen Elizabeth House
Sibbald Walk
Telephone: 0303 123 1115
Email: [email protected]
Kind regards
Samantha Dunion
Accounts Manager
Kames Fish Farming Limited
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