Press & Journal: "A sunken fish farm feed barge off the coast of Skye that gave off a noxious stink in August was emitting a potentially explosive mix of toxic chemicals, an activist has found" @pressjournal @briggsmarine @HighlandCouncil @Folketrygdfond
— Don Staniford (@TheGAAIA) November 22, 2022
The Press & Journal reported (22 November 2022):
Here's the newspaper version as published on 23 November 2022:
"Sunk boat stink was toxic" reports today's @pressjournal @Erikkaburgh
— Don Staniford (@TheGAAIA) November 23, 2022
Why weren't the public warned about "explosion" risk? @_KateForbes @fire_scot @PoliceScotland @NHSScotland @MCA_media @ScotlandSalmon @GaelForceGroup @marinescotland @Folketrygdfond
Last week (18 November 2022), $camon $cotland wrote to Scottish Ministers:
Letter to Scottish Ministers re. "Explosive" Scottish Salmon - Please Defuse the Toxic Time-Bomb! @scotgov @_KateForbes @MairiMcAllan @scotgp @MairiGougeon @ScottishEPA @ScotlandSalmon
— Don Staniford (@TheGAAIA) November 18, 2022
Read more via:
Gael Force's Sinking Feeling: barges scuppered by bad weather or is the 'greed of feed' to blame?
Letter to Scottish Ministers re. "Explosive" Scottish Salmon - Please Defuse the Toxic Time-Bomb!
The Times: "Secret plans to evacuate island homes over toxic gas"
Bakkafrost's Scottish Salmon Nightmare Gets Worse with 10,000 Tonne Black Hole in Scotland!
Bakkafrost is Dead in the Water in Scotland - 2021 Annual Report Details "Deadly Cocktail"!
500m exclusion zone near Portree Harbour in Skye as barge gives of rotten eggs smell
P&J: "Exclusion zone set up around Skye barge giving off rotten eggs smell"
"Experts tackle lethal gas leaking from sunken feed barge" (Fish Farming Expert)
Toxic Gasses Spew From The Scottish Salmon Company (Bakkafrost Scotland) Off Portree
Mooring a 400 tonne concrete barge at a salmon farm during Winter storms - then adding 350 tonnes of feed on board along with mort bins & machinery - is not an 'accident'. It's corporate negligence! @MCA_media @GaelForceGroup @ScotlandSalmon @ScottishEPA
— Don Staniford (@TheGAAIA) November 21, 2022
Nothing to read in West Highland Free Press on the "explosive" gases which leaked from a salmon farm off Portree - reported @timesscotland @pressjournal @radio_skye @BBCHighlands @STVNews @IntraFish @salmonfarming1 but not @WHFP1 @paul_wood_whfp @KeithMacKenzie1 @_Adam_Gordon
— Don Staniford (@TheGAAIA) November 25, 2022