Please end torture & cruelty on salmon farms in Scotland! @ScotlandSalmon @MowiScotlandLtd
— Don Staniford (@TheGAAIA) October 14, 2022
Stop certifying Scottish salmon as "responsibly sourced" @rspcaassured & "farmed responsibly" @ASC_aqua #RSPCA #ASC #Scottish #Scamon@philip_ciwf @Animallawyersuk
$camon $cotland today (14 October 2022) wrote to the RSPCA and the Aquaculture Stewardship Council asking them to stop greenwashing Scottish salmon - read the letter in full online here
Salmon farming is criminal not responsible!
— Don Staniford (@TheGAAIA) October 14, 2022
Scamon Scotland urge @rspcaassured & @ASC_aqua to immediately withdraw certification of Scottish salmon @sainsburys @Tesco @LidlGB @AldiUK @Morrisons @waitrose @marksandspencer @ScotlandSalmon @SSC_seafood
$camon $cotland's letter to the RSPCA and ASC includes:
Shame on the RSPCA & ASC for watering down standards to accommodate disease-ridden salmon farms! @rspcaassured @ASC_aqua #Movingthegoalposts @MowiScotlandLtd #Greenwashing @RSPCAChris @SSC_seafood @ClientEarth @scotseafarms @ScotlandSalmon @ScottishSPCA
— Don Staniford (@TheGAAIA) October 14, 2022
Read $camon $cotland's letter to the RSPCA and ASC in full online here
Why does the R$PCA continue to condone cruelty, unnecessary suffering & mass mortalities on disease-ridden salmon farms in $cotland? @rspcaassured @RSPCA_official @RSPCAChris @DermotRSPCA @Emma_Slav @SSPCA_Kirsteen @SSPCA_Mike @ChrisGPackham @BillOddie @brianblessed @philip_ciwf
— Don Staniford (@TheGAAIA) October 14, 2022
RSPCA lost all credibility and have taken the golden “bung” What a shame. I will never support them again and I am looking for animal charities where ethics and welfare come first, not coffers for misleading sales stickers and partnering in crime. @RSPCA_official @PrivateEyeNews
— Jon Johnson (@Jonnynogaps) October 14, 2022
Yes - it seems the R$PCA receive over £500,000 per year in accreditation fees from disease-ridden salmon farms in Scotland @ScotlandSalmon @MowiScotlandLtd @scotseafarms @GriegShetland @LochDuartSalmon @kamesfishfarm @CookeScotland @WesterRossSalmo #RSPCA
— Don Staniford (@TheGAAIA) October 14, 2022
I Tweeted yesterday (13 October 2022):
Will the Scottish Animal Welfare Commission report on aquaculture focus on the alarming mortality rates reported on salmon farms? @ProfCMDwyer @AndersonLibby @SSPCA_Mike @ALAWAnimalLaw @Animallawyersuk @onekindtweet @ciwf @PETAUK @HSIGlobal @LynneUSneddon @ScotlandSalmon @scotgp
— Don Staniford (@TheGAAIA) October 13, 2022
"Aquaculture: Identify potential welfare issues and prepare a report on the areas of initial focus – salmon farming & ADDs. A lengthy-evidence gathering process has been undertaken, including a field visit to a salmon farm & conducting an ethical review"
— Don Staniford (@TheGAAIA) October 13, 2022
Read more via:
Death Rates Soar at Salmon Farms (according to data published by Salmon Scotland)
Press Release: "Year of the Dead Salmon: Scottish Salmon Plagued by Mass Mortality Problems"
Media Backgrounder: Year of the Dead Salmon - Bakkafrost Scotland is the King of Death!
Exposed: 10 Million Morts at RSPCA Assured Mowi Since 2019!
Closing the Net on Welfare Abuse on Salmon Farms - Scottish Veterinary Service replaces APHA
Mowi's "Woes in Scotland" - Disease & Deaths Cause £5.6 Million Losses!
Over 80% Mortality at The Scottish Salmon Company!!!
ASC-Certified/Audited Mass Mortalities Pile Up at Lousy Mowi & Scottish Sea Farms!
New Mortality Data for Disease-Ridden Scottish Salmon - 700,000+ in the first two weeks of December!
Open letter to the ASC: Please cancel all certification of Mowi's toxic Scottish salmon!
Mass mortalities at ASC-certified Mowi!
Videos of Welfare Abuse at The Scottish Salmon Company in Loch Carron (West Strome salmon farm)
Breaking News: "Horror Videos Reveal Welfare Abuse Inside Scottish Salmon & Trout Cages"
Rest Assured - the RSPCA has been captured, co-opted & corrupted by the Salmafia
Letter to Secretary of State re. Welfare Abuse at Scottish Salmon Farms
Whitewashing Welfare Abuse of Scottish Salmon (as sponsored via RSPCA, SSPCA & APHA)
Update: Mortality Rate Over 36% At RSPCA Assured Scottish Salmon!
Mowi's 'Healthy' RSPCA Assured & ASC-Certified Salmon Farm at Gorsten (as featured in Seaspiracy)
Media Backgrounder: The Welfare Nightmare of Scottish Salmon (Updated)
Mowi Moves Goalposts on ASC Certification
Ongoing welfare abuse & unnecessary suffering on salmon farms - why no prosecutions?
RSPCA Suspend Salmon Farm Inspections
Censored: Welfare Abuse on Salmon Farms
Photo Dossier of Diseased, Deformed & Abused Scottish Salmon
Welfare Abuse at Scottish Salmon Farms - Why No Legal Enforcement Or Prosecutions?
Legal Complaint Vs Breaches of Animal Health & Welfare (Scotland) Act
ASC-Certified Scottish Salmon Dead in the Water!
Anyone for ASC-Certified Scottish Salmon Doused in Carcinogenic Formaldehyde?
ASC-Certified Shellfish Killers (not to mention seals, diseases, lice, pollution etc)
EXPOSED: Scottish Salmon's Sustainability Scam
Lipstick on a Pig - WWF's Makeover At Marine Harvest
WWF Greenwashes Marine Harvest
The Abominable Salmon Council - Buyer Beware!
Pepé Le Pew Loves Farmed Salmon!
Please join me in taking the salmon pledge - boycott @rspcaassured pharmed salmon! @ScotlandSalmon @scotseafarms @MowiScotlandLtd @sainsburys @Tesco @LidlGB @AldiUK @Morrisons @asda @marksandspencer @Ecohustler @RSPCAChris @ChrisGPackham @RSPCA_official
— Don Staniford (@TheGAAIA) October 14, 2022
Addendum (correspondence with RSPCA Assured):
Date: Fri, Oct 14, 2022 at 9:08 AM
Subject: Open Letter to the RSPCA & ASC - please stop certifying Scottish salmon as "responsibly farmed"!
To: <[email protected]>, Hello <[email protected]>, Clive Brazier <[email protected]>, Help Account <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, Ray Goodfellow <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, [email protected] <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>
Date: Fri, Oct 14, 2022 at 2:02 PM
Subject: Re: Open Letter to the RSPCA & ASC - please stop certifying Scottish salmon as "responsibly farmed"!
To: Don Staniford <[email protected]>
Thanks for getting in touch, we will take a look at your letter.
As explained previously, we are unable to publish a list of all of our members but most salmon companies state which assurance schemes they are part of on their websites.
Kind regards
Date: Fri, Oct 14, 2022 at 2:39 PM
Subject: Re: Open Letter to the RSPCA & ASC - please stop certifying Scottish salmon as "responsibly farmed"!
To: Hello <[email protected]>
Date: Tue, Oct 25, 2022 at 2:50 PM
Subject: Re: Open Letter to the RSPCA & ASC - please stop certifying Scottish salmon as "responsibly farmed"!
To: Don Staniford <[email protected]>
Dear Don,
Thank you for your recent letter.
We agree that there are many challenges facing salmon farming - as there are with terrestrial farming. Therefore we are working hard with RSPCA Assured members, the wider salmon industry and academics to find ways to tackle these issues, for example the challenge of disease and sea lice outbreaks.
Some of them aren't easy to resolve but animal welfare is our absolute priority and, as an animal welfare charity, we are duty-bound to keep doing all we can to help improve the welfare of all animals, including salmon.
That's why the RSPCA chose to develop around 500 standards aimed solely at improving the welfare of farmed salmon at every stage of their life. These standards have been a catalyst for change throughout the entire salmon industry, not just on RSPCA Assured certified farms.
But there is still much work to be done. Whilst we don’t have answers to all of the challenges at present, we are continually working with the salmon industry, retailers and experts to look at further ways to enhance the welfare of fish and reduce the risk of sea lice infestations and disease. We won’t give up trying to bring about further welfare improvements.
RSPCA Assured is a charity and, as explained to you previously, we do not profit from salmon farming. Our sole mission is to help improve farm animal welfare.
You may not agree with us but we hope this helps explain why we are involved in salmon farming. We firmly stand by the approach we have taken, as it has helped bring about many significant improvements to the welfare of many millions of farmed salmon and will continue to do so.
If we walked away from the salmon industry because of challenges like sea lice and disease, it could result in many millions of fish being reared to lower standards and an increase in health and disease problems. And, as an animal welfare charity, we will not turn our back on helping improve the lives of all farm animals.
Kind regards
RSPCA Assured
Malcolm Johnstone, aquaculture manager for the @rspcaassured farm animal welfare programme, is to stand down from the role next week after 16 years
— Don Staniford (@TheGAAIA) December 12, 2022
What a legacy! @ciwf @philip_ciwf @onekindtweet @RSPCAChris @ChrisGPackham @Animallawyersuk @animal_equality