Exclusive: here's a letter to the Scottish Parliament re. farmed salmon mortalities "increasing at an alarming rate" from former convenor of Rural Committee https://t.co/bpKLDPJvEo @1edmountain @fincarson @SP_RuralAffairs @ScotParl @LabourMercedes @ArianeBurgessHI @Rachael2Win pic.twitter.com/xMLHr7eDWd
— Don Staniford (@TheGAAIA) September 28, 2022
Here's a letter from Edward Mountain MSP to the Scottish Parliament's rural committee:
Download as a PDF online here
The Herald On Sunday reported (25 September 2022):
Calls are being made for a fresh inquiry as "alarming" figures show the amount of fish destroyed by diseases & other issues is even higher than "stomach-churning" levels that led to calls for a moratorium on salmon farming https://t.co/Lcx9OErAR9 @ScotlandSalmon @ScotParl
— Don Staniford (@TheGAAIA) September 25, 2022
$camon $cotland reported (26 September 2022):
Exclusive: Scamon Scotland fleshes out the alarming death rates on fish farms using data published by @ScotlandSalmon @ScottishEPA & @marinescotland
— Don Staniford (@TheGAAIA) September 26, 2022
Please stop greenwashing "responsibly sourced" Scottish salmon! @rspcaassured @ASC_aqua @SoilAssociation https://t.co/OAfRglN8zB pic.twitter.com/CM8g4dd5s9
In 2013 the salmon farming industry @ScotlandSalmon successfully lobbied @ScottishEPA not to publish data on the number of dead farmed salmon arguing that disclosure would be 'commercially damaging' https://t.co/knvOj5ostZ @robedwards53
— Don Staniford (@TheGAAIA) September 26, 2022
A decade later, mortalities have trebled! pic.twitter.com/IcPAqC5vsA
Read more via:
Photos Expose Ongoing Welfare Abuse at RSPCA Assured Salmon Farms!
Press Release: "Year of the Dead Salmon: Scottish Salmon Plagued by Mass Mortality Problems"
Media Backgrounder: Year of the Dead Salmon - Bakkafrost Scotland is the King of Death!
Herald On Sunday: "Inquiry into salmon farming demanded after "sickening" levels of fish deaths"
Over 80% Mortality at The Scottish Salmon Company!!!
Dead in the Water - Scottish Salmon's Mortality Mountain Piles Ever Higher in 2021!
Mass Mortalities - 66% in one month at The Scottish Salmon Company on the Isle of Gigha!
STV News: "Thousands of rotting salmon ‘stink out’ village after mass death at farm"
X-Rated Video: 90% Mortality at The Faroese/Norwegian 'Scottish' Salmon Company?!
"The shocking death rates on Scotland's salmon farms revealed"
2020: The Year of Diseased Scottish Salmon - 27,000 Tonnes of Dead Fish, the Worst On Record!
Update: Mortality Rate Over 36% At RSPCA Assured Scottish Salmon!
Revealed: Burned, Buried & Ensiled Scottish Salmon
Update: 25 Million Mass Mortalities on Scottish Salmon Farms
52 million deaths in Norway - how many millions died on Scottish salmon farms in 2020?
The Case Against Scottish Salmon - An Update on Diseases & Mass Mortalities!
2.2 Million Missing Mortalities at Scottish Sea Farms?
Over One Million Morts for Scottish Salmon in September 2020!
Survival of the Unhealthiest Scottish Salmon - New data reveals shocking mortality rates!
Dead in the Water - New Data Reveals Mass Mortalities & Disease on Scottish Salmon Farms
The Ferret: "Farmed salmon deaths from disease reach record high"
The Killing Farms - Scottish Salmon's Horror Story Continues!
Solving Scottish Salmon's Multi-Million Mortality Problem
Scottish watchdog labelled ‘lapdog’ after agreeing to keep fish farm deaths secret
Alexa, how many salmon die each year on Scottish salmon farms? 42 million* https://t.co/jRQzhheju6
— Don Staniford (@TheGAAIA) November 11, 2020
Sadly we don't know for sure as the answer is deemed "commercially damaging" by @sspo!
Will @ScottishEPA & @marinescotland force disclosure? @salmon_scottish @rspcaassured pic.twitter.com/fua9nkM6g3
Farmed salmon mortalities in Scotland: A model in sustainability?
— ProtectOurShore (@ProtectOurShore) September 26, 2022
Dead salmon, "cleaner fish" killed at harvest, krill from the Antarctic shipped to Norway, pesticides to treat salmon for sea lice. #salmon #notsustainable @CBC @bbcworld @WildFishCons @guardian @OrcaSOS pic.twitter.com/yFMBEaGVmi
Farmed salmon mortalities hit a high of 29,000 tonnes last year.
— Edward Mountain (@1edmountain) January 25, 2023
That’s unacceptable and the Scottish Government must do far more with the industry to reduce mortalities. pic.twitter.com/LEsG5zwX7g