Today's @pressjournal: "Responding to the Salmon Scotland report, Mr Staniford said: “Scottish salmon is far from healthy – it is sourced from disease-ridden feedlots. “Consumers should avoid Scottish salmon like the plague.” @ScotlandSalmon @tavishscott
— Don Staniford (@TheGAAIA) February 17, 2022
The Press & Journal reported (17 February 2022):
The article included:
Today's @pressjournal: "Don Staniford, who has campaigned for years to highlight fish welfare issues on salmon farms, has just filed a complaint with the Competition and Markets Authority about “false green claims" @CMAgovUK @Ocado @sainsburys @ASA_UK
— Don Staniford (@TheGAAIA) February 17, 2022
Read more via:
- Kick-Ass New Campaign: "Mowi is Madness, Mowi is Badness" (Save the Date - May 4th)
- Bullshit Called on Mowi's "Sustainability" Claims!
- Complaint vs Ocado & Sainsbury's 'Organic' Scottish Salmon "Farmed Responsibly" by Mowi Filed with Trading & Advertising Standards
- Over 80% Mortality at The Scottish Salmon Company!!!
- Help Wanted: Please pass on photos of 'organic' Scottish salmon packs in Sainsbury's & Tesco!
- Iceland: A Hotbed of Disease & Death - Give Icelandic Salmon the Cold Shoulder!
- Anyone for M&S’s Virus-Laden Scottish Salmon (don’t worry, it’s “responsibly sourced” & RSPCA Assured)?!
- Ocean Rebellion Protest at Sainsbury's Against 'Toxic' Scottish Salmon Farming!
- Photos/Video of Skinless Dead Salmon Makes Splash in Icelandic Press!
Complaint filed vs @Ocado & @sainsburys for deceptive marketing of "responsibly sourced" Scottish salmon with Trading Standards @CMAgovUK
— Don Staniford (@TheGAAIA) February 16, 2022
Breach of the 'Green Claims Code' over marketing of @MowiScotlandLtd 'organic' salmon @SoilAssociation @SoilAssocScot