Anyone for M&S’s Virus-Laden Scottish Salmon (don’t worry, it’s “responsibly sourced” & @rspcaassured)?! @marksandspencer @scotseafarms @LeroySeafood @RSPCA_PATeam @Ecohustler
— Don Staniford (@TheGAAIA) February 14, 2022
How many ISA-ridden Scottish salmon have been sold by M&S? #marksandspencer
Download press release in full online here (PDF) and online here (Word)
Read a letter sent to M&S (14 February 2022) online here (PDF) and online here (Word)
How many @marksandspencer Scottish salmon @scotseafarms are infected with diseases, pathogens & viruses such as Infectious Salmon Anaemia, Piscine Reovirus, Proliferative Gill Disease (Piscichlamydia) & Salmon Gill Poxvirus? @rspcaassured @ScotlandSalmon
— Don Staniford (@TheGAAIA) February 14, 2022
Read more via:
Bullshit Called on M&S's "Responsibly Sourced" Scottish Salmon!
Media Backgrounder: Irresponsibly Farmed Scottish Salmon
Breaking News: ISA reported at RSPCA Assured Scottish Sea Farms on the Isle of Mull
Damning Disease Report for RSPCA Assured Scottish Sea Farms in Loch Spelve
Rest Assured - the RSPCA has been captured, co-opted & corrupted by the Salmafia
Intrafish: "RSPCA suspends M&S farmed salmon supplier's eco-label for alleged welfare violations"
RSPCA Suspends Spelve Salmon Farm & 'Urgently Investigates' M&S Supplier Scottish Sea Farms!
Bullshit Called on M&S's "Responsibly Sourced" Scottish Salmon! @marksandspencer @scotseafarms @LeroySeafood @Folketrygdfond @ScotlandSalmon @CMAgovUK @ASA_UK @TSScot @Ecohustler
— Don Staniford (@TheGAAIA) November 23, 2021
Date: Mon, Feb 14, 2022 at 6:51 PM
Subject: Re: M&S Ref: 1679187
To: M&S Executive Office <[email protected]>
How many of your Scottish salmon – understood to be exclusively supplied by Scottish Sea Farms (Norskott Havbruk) – are infected with diseases, pathogens and viruses such as Infectious Salmon Anaemia, Piscine Reovirus, Proliferative Gill Disease (Piscichlamydia), Salmon Gill Poxvirus and Amoebic Gill Disease?
M&S has no doubt been notified by the Scottish Government and Scottish Sea Farms that Infectious Salmon Anaemia was officially reported to the World Organization for Animal Health in September 2021 following a positive case in Loch Spelve wher 369,195 salmon were listed as ‘susceptible’ (the farm where M&S pioneered their fake ‘Lochmuir’ brand).
How many of these ISA-infected farmed salmon were sold to unsuspecting consumers by M&S?
Date: Mon, Feb 14, 2022 at 2:06 PM
Subject: M&S Ref: 1679187
To: <[email protected]>
Dear Mr Staniford,
Thank you very much for contacting Steven Mclean, Steve Rowe and our Food Press Relation Office. I work in our Executive Team and your email has been sent to me to respond to.
I can understand your concerns and I would like to assure you that we are proud of our strong values and the work we do with our farmers. We also care about where our food comes from, as do our customers.
We only source from a handful of dedicated farms that are exclusive to our business—meaning we know and trust our Select Farmers to meet our high standards. We meet the widely recognised RSPCA Assured standards across all of our Select Farms producing salmon, ensuring the best growing conditions so the fish are happier and healthier as a result.
We have worked with Scottish Sea Farms to adopt one of the lowest stocking densities for our salmon at just 1.5% fish to 98.5% water. It makes a huge difference to the welfare of the fish, making them happier and reducing stress.
To ensure their is consistency, we audit our Select Farms at least once per year and make it easy for our customers to find out detailed information on our farms such as location and farming methods by using our interactive seafood map.
Referring to the images and report that you have referred to in your email, I want to assure you that we were very concerned by some of the footage and allegations of poor welfare and immediately suspended the farm whilst we urgently investigated.
Following our detailed investigation, which included a rigorous in-person inspection by a specially-trained RSPCA farm livestock officer, we found no evidence to support the allegations made.
Unfortunately, it is a reality of farming any animal - and also pet ownership - that from time to time there can be disease outbreaks and other welfare challenges. What is most important is that the person responsible acts swiftly to address them. We are fully satisfied that the issues identified in the video were being swiftly and responsibly addressed by the farm at the time, in accordance with the RSPCA’s welfare standards. Therefore, the suspension was lifted.
I hope this reassures you that any allegations of animal welfare issues, or breaches of the RSPCA Assured membership agreement, are taken very seriously and always thoroughly investigated. But, thankfully, welfare concerns on RSPCA Assured certified farms are extremely rare, and many millions more farm animals are having a better life thanks to the work of the charity.
Thank you very much for contacting us with your concerns.
Kind regards
Lindsay Poole
Executive Team
Your M&S Customer Service
Registered office: Waterside House, 35 North Wharf Road, London, W2 1NW
Registered Number: 214436 (England and Wales)
From: Don Staniford <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, Feb 14, 2022 at 12:03 PM
Subject: Letter to M&S re. virus-laden Scottish salmon
To: <[email protected]>
Cc: <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>
Further to my email of 20 September 2021 (re-enclosed below) which has still not received a response please find attached a letter to M&S on the issue of virus-infected Scottish salmon.
The letter (online here) includes:
How many of your Scottish salmon – understood to be exclusively supplied by Scottish Sea Farms (Norskott Havbruk) – are infected with diseases, pathogens and viruses such as Infectious Salmon Anaemia, Piscine Reovirus, Proliferative Gill Disease (Piscichlamydia), Salmon Gill Poxvirus and Amoebic Gill Disease?
M&S has no doubt been notified by the Scottish Government and Scottish Sea Farms that Infectious Salmon Anaemia was officially reported to the World Organization for Animal Health in September 2021 following a positive case in Loch Spelve wher 369,195 salmon were listed as ‘susceptible’ (the farm where M&S pioneered their fake ‘Lochmuir’ brand).
How many of these ISA-infected farmed salmon were sold to unsuspecting consumers by M&S?
Read more via: Anyone for M&S’s Virus-Laden Scottish Salmon (don’t worry, it’s “responsibly sourced” & RSPCA Assured)?!
Tweets which M&S can reply to via:
Best fishes,
Don Staniford
Director, Scamon Scotland
From: Don
Sent: 20 September 2021 12:24
To: [email protected]
Cc: [email protected]; [email protected]
Subject: "Responsibly Sourced Scottish Salmon" - justification?
Could M&S please provide justification for your in-store advertising claims that your Scottish salmon is “responsibly sourced”?
This photo was taken in M&S in Fort William on 5th September 2021:
Similar advertising claims re. M&S’s “responsibly sourced” Scottish salmon are made online via:
I understand that Ecohustler has raised environmental, welfare and sustainability concerns with you directly via:
And over 115,000 people have signed a petition asking M&S to stop labelling unsustainable salmon as ‘responsibly sourced’:
M&S’s Scottish salmon supplier (I understand your sole salmon supplier) Scottish Sea Farms has featured in various video exposes which undermine M&S’s “responsibly sourced” claim with respect to fish welfare:
Not to mention diseases, viruses and mortality issues:
And the killing of seals:
And even whales:
As you know, before a complaint can be filed with the ASA an opportunity to justify the advertising claims must be given to the advertiser. Hence, could you please provide evidence that your Scottish salmon is “responsibly sourced” or withdraw your advertising claims.
Your blog dated 4 December 2020 claims via
“It’s my team’s responsibility to ensure that our salmon is always sourced responsibly and central to that is our leading Select Farms standards together with our long-standing partnership with our supplier Scottish Sea Farms. Although there are many farms operated by Scottish Sea Farms across Scotland, at M&S we only source from a handful of dedicated farms that are exclusive to our business—meaning we know and trust our Select Farmers to meet our high standards…..But we know there’s always more to be done. Because of our incredibly strong relationship with Scottish Sea Farms, we’ll continue working collaboratively to keep on improving our standards, so that our customers can trust that M&S salmon has always been, and always will be, sourced responsibly.”
In your reply, could you please expand on how M&S Scottish salmon is always “responsibly sourced”?
From the recently published photos from a Scottish Government inspection of M&S’s ‘RSPCA Assured’ Loch Spelve salmon farm in May 2021 it does not appear that your advertising claims are correct:
Further information to corroborate your advertising claims is therefore much appreciated.
Don Staniford
Campaigns Manager, Animal Concern
“Factory fish farming is a welfare nightmare which must be closed down now” said Don Staniford of Animal Concern's 'Scottish Salmon Watch' campaign
— Animal Concern (@animal_concern) September 18, 2021
"Secret filming inside salmon farms has captured horrific evidence of welfare abuse including death crowns"