Exposed: Certification of 'responsibly' farmed @MowiScotlandLtd via the Aquaculture Stewardship Council @ASC_aqua permits mortality rates at salmon farms in excess of 36% (not to mention the use of cancer-causing chemicals & antibiotics)! @rspcaassured
— Don Staniford (@TheGAAIA) December 13, 2021
Here's an email sent earlier today (13 December 2021) to the ASC:
Date: Mon, Dec 13, 2021 at 12:51 PM
Subject: ASC support for 20%+ mortality?
To: Jack Cutforth <[email protected]>, Bertrand Charron <[email protected]>
Cc: Chris Ninnes <[email protected]>
Watch Chris Ninnes, CEO of the Aquaculture Stewardship Council, on @BBCCountryfile hammer the nail in the coffin of Scottish salmon by demanding less than 10% mortality on @ASC_aqua certified farms - 77% of salmon farms cannot meet the mortality standard! @SSPOsays @ScotlandMowi
— Don Staniford (@TheGAAIA) December 8, 2020
77% of Scottish salmon farms fail to meet the ASC's standard for certification - that's almost four out of every five sea sites exceeding 10% mortality!
— Don Staniford (@TheGAAIA) December 7, 2020
ASC-certified Scottish salmon is dead in the water!@ASC_aqua @Salmoskius @SSPOsays @ScotlandMowi
Only one out of 28 salmon farms harvested @rspcaassured Mowi over the last year would have passed the @ASC_aqua mortality standard of 10% - the average mortality rate was a staggering 24.4% with 39% death rate at the aptly named Muck salmon farm @ScotlandMowi @MowiScotlandLtd
— Don Staniford (@TheGAAIA) December 7, 2020
The Aquaculture Stewardship Council's commitment that 10%+ mortality will rule out certification @ASC_aqua would rule out @ScotlandMowi in Loch Ainort (Cairidh) & Linnhe (Gorsten) - not to mention most other salmon farms in Scotland! @SSPOsays @joe_crowley
— Don Staniford (@TheGAAIA) December 7, 2020
Chris Ninnes claims that @ASC_aqua standards demand less than 10% mortality on salmon farms @BBCCountryfile @joe_crowley
— Don Staniford (@TheGAAIA) December 7, 2020
So why is Glenfinnan salmon farm @ScotlandMowi with a mortality rate of 20% & 61,188 morts in one week in August still certified?
Anyone for ASC-certified Mowi salmon sourced from @rspcaassured Stulaigh in Loch Eynort? @ASC_aqua @ScotlandMowi
— Don Staniford (@TheGAAIA) December 8, 2020
Disease-ridden with a mortality rate of 36.8% - that's over a third of the fish in the sea cages dying a cruel death!
Date: Mon, Dec 7, 2020 at 2:06 PM
Subject: Glenfinnan certification now rescinded?
To: Bertrand Charron <[email protected]>, Info <[email protected]>, Chris Ninnes <[email protected]>
From: Don Staniford <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, Dec 7, 2020 at 2:41 PM
Subject: Re: Glenfinnan certification now rescinded?
To: Bertrand Charron <[email protected]
Date: Tue, Dec 8, 2020 at 8:11 AM
Subject: Mowi's Stulaigh - 36.8% mortality with welfare abuse
To: Chris Ninnes <[email protected]>, Bertrand Charron <[email protected]>, Info <[email protected]>
How can the ASC seriously consider certifying Mowi's Stulaigh salmon farm?
From: Bertrand Charron <[email protected]>
Date: Tue, Dec 8, 2020 at 2:30 PM
Subject: RE: Glenfinnan certification now rescinded?
To: Don Staniford <[email protected]>
Thank you for your interest in, and support of, the ASC !
Please find below elements of reply to your question:
è « In view of Mowi's mortality rate at 20% at their ASC-certified Glenfinnan salmon farm, when will the ASC be rescinding certification? »
Firstly, it is important to stress that in order to maintain its independent position the ASC is not the one which ‘grants’ or ‘rescinds’ certification. Certificates are issued by an independent conformity assessment body (CAB). The CAB, or certifier, carries out the assessment of the farms and decides whether they meet the necessary requirements to become ASC certified, and also carries out ongoing ‘surveillance audits’ during the certification period to ensure ongoing compliance. This practice is referred to as third party certification and it is widely recognised as the highest level of independent assessment. ASC manages the Programme and is the ‘standard setter’; and all audit reports are transparently made available to the public via the ASC website. ASC thus does not generally comment on the specific performance of individual farms.
Regarding your comment regarding specific mortality rates, please do note that the ASC Salmon Standard sets several requirements, notably as per indicators 5.1.5, 5.1.6 and 5.1.7 [see excerpt below]. The ‘10%’ maximum mortality rate in a farm’s most recent production cycle refers to “viral disease-related mortality”* [5.1.5] and not to overall mortalities if other non-viral causes have been explained/specified. The latter could include predators, bacterial, algal-bloom, stress –related etc. mortalities. [* “Viral disease-related mortality count shall include unspecified and unexplained mortality as it could be related to viral disease.”]
Furthermore, and in all cases, ASC-certified salmon farms have to demonstrate to auditors (as per 5.1.7) that they have a “farm-specific mortalities reduction programme that includes defined annual targets for reductions in mortalities and reductions in unexplained mortalities”.
Should you want to learn more about the ASC Salmon Standard and its precise/specific requirements, I would kindly suggest that you read in full the document which can be found here:
Best regards,
Bertrand Charron
Science & Sustainability Communications Manager
On Twitter: @ASC_aqua
Aquaculture Stewardship Council (ASC)
HNK, Arthur van Schendelstraat 650 |3511 MJ Utrecht, The Netherlands
Norwegian salmon giant Mowi has reacted to Netflix's 'Seaspiracy' by publishing videos claiming to show healthy farmed salmon at their @rspcaassured @ASC_aqua salmon farm in Loch Linnhe which featured in @seaspiracy @ScotlandMowi @SSPOsays @iamalitabrizi
— Don Staniford (@TheGAAIA) April 16, 2021
Jolted by Netflix's @seaspiracy there's been a spate of fishy advice. "If you do choose farmed salmon, look for products certified by @ASC_aqua" says @MashedHQ
— Don Staniford (@TheGAAIA) April 1, 2021
Ooops - the salmon farm exposed in Seaspiracy is certified by the ASC & @rspcaassured !
Seaspiracy's video shocker on @rspcaassured Scottish salmon @MowiScotlandLtd is approaching 1 million views - and has over 36,000 likes! @seaspiracy
— Don Staniford (@TheGAAIA) August 4, 2021
Please boycott Scottish salmon! #Boycott #Scottish #Salmon
Anyone for Norwegian Salmon Marindaded in Banned Neonicotinoid Imidacloprid (don't worry it's ASC-approved)?! #Ectosan #D10AquaticBlast @WeAreBenchmark @FerdOwner @ASC_aqua
— Don Staniford (@TheGAAIA) June 17, 2021
Is toxic Norwegian salmon reaching consumers? @seafoodnorway @REMA1000
Anyone for "responsibly certified" Scottish salmon doused in carcinogenic chemical, battered to death, ridden with infectious diseases, served with a side of slaughtered seal & lashings of lice? @ASC_aqua @MowiScotlandLtd @FergusEwingMSP @rspcaassured
— Don Staniford (@TheGAAIA) June 3, 2020
Mowi move goalposts on @ASC_aqua certification - first they pledged 100% ASC certification by 2020, then moved it to 2025 & now they expand to @ourGSSI recognised standards including @BAP_Aquaculture @GLOBALGAP & @BordIascMhara @MowiScotlandLtd #Greenwash
— Don Staniford (@TheGAAIA) March 26, 2021
Disease-Ridden Mowi Revealed as Source of A86 Roadspill in September @MowiScotlandLtd @marinescotland @APHAgovuk @GogarServices @trafficscotland Mowi breached biosecurity & @SSPOsays Code of Good Practice in moving virus-laden fish from the Isle of Rum
— Don Staniford (@TheGAAIA) January 5, 2020
Mass Mortalities - 66% in one month at The Scottish Salmon Company on the Isle of Gigha!
Lousy 'Scottish' Salmon - the most lice-infested salmon farms named & shamed!
STV News: "Thousands of rotting salmon ‘stink out’ village after mass death at farm"
X-Rated Video: 90% Mortality at The Faroese/Norwegian 'Scottish' Salmon Company?!
Video Nasties of Dead Farmed Salmon Pile Up All Over the World!
Demand for moratorium on new fish farms after mortality rates revealed
"The shocking death rates on Scotland's salmon farms revealed"
Seaspiracy's Salmon Shocker: Please Boycott RSPCA Assured Scottish Salmon!
The Times: "Fish graveyard ‘severely hampers’ life for islanders, officials claim"
Mowi's 'Healthy' RSPCA Assured & ASC-Certified Salmon Farm at Gorsten (as featured in Seaspiracy)
Update: Mortality Rate Over 36% At RSPCA Assured Scottish Salmon!
Revealed: Burned, Buried & Ensiled Scottish Salmon
Update: 25 Million Mass Mortalities on Scottish Salmon Farms
52 million deaths in Norway - how many millions died on Scottish salmon farms in 2020?
Mowi Moves Goalposts on ASC Certification
The Case Against Scottish Salmon - An Update on Diseases & Mass Mortalities!
2.2 Million Missing Mortalities at Scottish Sea Farms?
Mass Mortalities Continue to Plague Scottish Salmon
ASC-Certified Scottish Salmon Dead in the Water!
Over One Million Morts for Scottish Salmon in September 2020!
Survival of the Unhealthiest Scottish Salmon - New data reveals shocking mortality rates!
Dead in the Water - New Data Reveals Mass Mortalities & Disease on Scottish Salmon Farms
The Ferret: "Farmed salmon deaths from disease reach record high"
The Killing Farms - Scottish Salmon's Horror Story Continues!
Solving Scottish Salmon's Multi-Million Mortality Problem
ASC-Certified Shellfish Killers (not to mention seals, diseases, lice, pollution etc)
Pre-order a copy and more details via Don Staniford: [email protected]
We believe the ASC is a shameless greenwashing scheme set up, funded and governed by the salmon farming lobby intent on misleading consumers. Just take a look at the ASC-certified salmon farm @ScotlandMowi shown in @seaspiracy - does this look responsible?
— Don Staniford (@TheGAAIA) March 30, 2021