2 of 2 vids taster of what’s to come. pic.twitter.com/BFuM0ID1fp
— Salmon Scotland (@SalmonScotland) November 19, 2021
Hugo Clément of France 5 posted on Instagram (18 November 2021):
French public television channel, France5, will air the documentary "La verite sur le saumon" (the truth about salmon) on Sunday evening (Nov. 21) @France5tv @hugoclement @salmon_scottish @ScotlandSalmon https://t.co/Auygal3hLY
— Don Staniford (@TheGAAIA) November 19, 2021
Le Figaro reported (19 November 2021):
"Some marketing campaigns are false advertisements" said @hugoclement "On packages of Scottish salmon, we see the fish jumping in rivers in the open air, when in reality they are crammed into cages by the hundreds of thousands" https://t.co/2fWFm6HoWH @TVMAG @France5tv
— Don Staniford (@TheGAAIA) November 19, 2021
French TV's @hugoclement paddles out to a salmon farm in Scotland https://t.co/2fWFm6HoWH @SaumonLabel @salmon_scottish @MowiScotlandLtd @ScotlandSalmon @SalmonScotland
— Don Staniford (@TheGAAIA) November 19, 2021
Watch what he discovers on Sunday on Sur Le Front's 'La vérité sur le saumon' #SurLeFront @France5tv pic.twitter.com/vIytDGVkd3
Gala featured an interview with Hugo Clement (19 November 2021):
Gala: "You infiltrated a salmon farm in Scotland, how did it go?" @GALAfr
— Don Staniford (@TheGAAIA) November 20, 2021
Hugo Clément: "We took a canoe to be discreet and to film the cages from inside. It is important to show these images" @hugoclement https://t.co/UVfYhiTTLT@ScotlandSalmon @salmon_scottish @France5tv pic.twitter.com/4f8INjCBLy
Le Monde reported (21 November 2021):
Le Monde: "Hugo Clément et son équipe sont ainsi allés chercher des images édifiantes dans des lochs écossais, guidés par Don Staniford à bord de son kayak. Ce militant dénonce depuis une vingtaine d’années les conditions d’élevage épouvantables apparemment tolérées" @lemondefr pic.twitter.com/6vREnUHRbo
— Don Staniford (@TheGAAIA) November 21, 2021
Huffington Post reported (21 November 2021):
French TV's @hugoclement tackles the salmon crisis @ScotlandSalmon @MowiScotlandLtd @salmon_scottish https://t.co/6hOYI77AzH @HuffPost @France5tv
— Don Staniford (@TheGAAIA) November 21, 2021
Read more via:
French TV Exposé of Scottish Salmon - Sur Le Front's 'La vérité sur le saumon' (the truth about salmon) airs on France 5 on Sunday! @France5tv @Francetele @hugoclement @servicePresseF5 #SurLeFront
— Don Staniford (@TheGAAIA) November 19, 2021
Guess which salmon farm I'm standing on with a Go Pro camera? @ScotlandSalmon pic.twitter.com/rxq38ktz8l