Floundering Around: Our NEW REPORT📚backed by a coalition of NGOs finds that 76% of Europe's leading retailers are failing to address the sustainability of their farmed fish supply chains #FishingtheFeed https://t.co/2ETW2PeMGu pic.twitter.com/pP1GKbpyx1
— Changing Markets Foundation (@ChangingMarkets) November 18, 2021
A new report published by Changing Markets is a must read for anyone still ignorant enough to eat farmed salmon - read online here
The Executive Summary includes:
"Over half a million tonnes of salmon – worth US$3.7 billion – died or escaped between 2010 and 2019. Mowi’s fish mortality rates accounted for almost half of this loss" @ChangingMarkets https://t.co/Yf1C5y6dSE @MowiScotlandLtd @ciwf @onekindtweet @Folketrygdfond @ScotlandSalmon pic.twitter.com/cD1rC4tpUR
— Don Staniford (@TheGAAIA) November 18, 2021
Blacklisting Deadly Scottish Salmon! "Waitrose has detailed procedures in place for suppliers to report on mortality and escape rates, and told us that it would blacklist farms with high mortality rates if no improvement was forthcoming" @ChangingMarkets @waitrose @ScotlandSalmon pic.twitter.com/sNcNbGfiWE
— Don Staniford (@TheGAAIA) November 18, 2021
The Fish Site reported (18 November 2021):
"Left unchecked, this unsustainable, unmonitored and unfair industry will cause irreversible environmental and societal impacts" @feedbackorg https://t.co/n75yUo3kLI @thefishsite @ChangingMarkets @BioMarGroup @SkrettingGroup @ScotlandSalmon @Cargill @ciwf #FishingtheFeed
— Don Staniford (@TheGAAIA) November 18, 2021
Read more via:
Mmmm, anyone for soldier flies with their factory farmed salmon?
The Hidden Cost of Farmed Salmon: Exploring why Sainsbury’s farmed salmon supplier Mowi doesn’t live up to
its sustainable image and what Sainsbury’s needs to do about it
Caught Out: How UK retailers are tackling the use of wild fish in their aquaculture supply chains
Off the Menu: The Scottish salmon industry’s failure to deliver sustainable nutrition
Can we have our farmed salmon and eat it too?
WATCH: Salmonopoly [Marine Harvest & WWF, Chile]
Geldof Drinks the Kool-Aid, Not Feeds the World
Lipstick on a Pig - WWF's Makeover At Marine Harvest
WWF Greenwashes Marine Harvest!
Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall tackles farmed salmon feed controversy
The Greed of Feed – the hidden cost of your cheap farmed salmon
Warning to investors over aquaculture issues: New report - "Investing in troubled waters: the material risks of fish mortality and the use of wild-caught fish in feed for the aquaculture sector" https://t.co/qyzvZ2bctr @fishfarmermag @ChangingMarkets @feedbackorg @capecffa @wsrw pic.twitter.com/0im1h59uxS
— Don Staniford (@TheGAAIA) July 29, 2021