Video Exclusive: secret filming inside @rspcaassured Kames Fish Farming in the Sound of Jura reveals lice-infested farmed trout @kamesfishfarm @obantimes @british_trout @DFSeafoods @FarmInvicta @coopuk @sainsburys @Tesco @asda @LidlGB @AldiUK
— Don Staniford (@TheGAAIA) September 12, 2021
Here's video footage shot at Shuna Castle fish farm operated by Kames Fish Farming in the Sound of Jura on 2 September 2021:
Here's video footage shot at Kames Fish Farming's pier near Kilmelford on 1 September 2021:
We were there too and these photos are very real + there was no lid on the mort bin = no biosecurity. Seals swimming around sniffing the dead and dying fish.
— Maggie Brotherston (@MaggieTweettwoo) September 13, 2021