Replacing imports of salmon eggs from Norway (where Infectious Salmon Anaemia is ravaging farms) with imports from Iceland (fingered in the spread of Piscine reovirus to USA) is like leaping out of the frying pan into the fire! @WeAreBenchmark @scotgov
— Don Staniford (@TheGAAIA) July 7, 2021
It appears game ova for Norwegian egg imports into salmon farms across Scotland - Iceland and Ireland have well and truly cracked the market for 'Scottish' salmon replacing imports from disease-ridden Norway.
Is it really game ova for Norwegian egg imports into 'Scottish' salmon farms? Iceland has well & truly cracked the market for 'Scottish' salmon! @SSPOsays #ISA #PRV
— Don Staniford (@TheGAAIA) July 7, 2021
A Freedom of Information (FOI) disclosure by the Scottish Government published online in April 2021 reveals that 'Scottish' salmon is now sourced predominantly from imported ova (eggs) from Iceland and Ireland substituting Norway (due to ongoing risks of the spread of Infectious Salmon Anaemia). The last reported consignments of ova imported from Norway were in April 2020 into hatcheries operated by Scottish Sea Farms (Norskott Havbruk) at Knock on the Isle of Mull and Cooke Aquaculture at Rysa on Orkney - and another shipment from AquaGen in Norway to Cooke's Rysa hatchery on Orkney in January 2021.
Scottish Salmon Watch asked in May 2021:
What viruses have been imported via infected ova from Norway, Iceland & Ireland into salmon farms in Scotland? @WeAreBenchmark @marinescotland @scotseafarms @LeroySeafood @MairiGougeon @MairiMcAllan @GreenerScotland @FergusEwingSNP @GriegShetland @salmobreed @ScotlandMowi
— Don Staniford (@TheGAAIA) May 29, 2021
The spread of Infectious Salmon Anaemia is plaguing salmon farms in Norway - including Leroy (co-owner of Scottish Sea Farms).
Leroy (co-owner of Norskott Havbruk) is plagued by Infectious Salmon Anaemia in #Norway @LeroySeafood @InfoMattilsynet @LeroySeafood
— Don Staniford (@TheGAAIA) July 6, 2021
Scottish Sea Farms (Hydro Seafoods) spread ISA around #Scotland in the 1990s causing £100m losses - is ISA back again?
Infectious Salmon Anaemia plagues salmon farms in Norway "ISA outbreaks usually mean that infected salmon cages have to be emptied & the fish destroyed". Is ISA back in Scotland? @FergusEwingSNP @marinescotland @strathearnrose @ScotlandMowi @SSPOsays
— Don Staniford (@TheGAAIA) April 19, 2021
Scottish Salmon Watch reported in October 2020:
"Norwegian interests risk bringing the whole rotten edifice of 'Scottish Salmon' crashing down" warns @HGSalmonUK to @Feorlean & @FergusEwingMSP @GAA_Advocate @salmonfarming1 @IntraFishNorge @thefishsite @Salmon_Business @GreenerScotland @fiskeridir
— Don Staniford (@TheGAAIA) October 1, 2020
Scottish Ministers warned by @HGSalmonUK in 2019 of "an absurdly flawed bio-security self certification policy that risks the import of further Norwegian disease, a threat capable of destroying Scotland's entire salmon industry" @Feorlean @FergusEwingMSP
— Don Staniford (@TheGAAIA) October 1, 2020
Scottish Government data published in October 2020 - sourced from the Scottish Fish Farm Production Survey 2019 - included:
Intrafish reported in August 2020:
Infectious Salmon Anaemia "horror show" plagues #Norway @InfoMattilsynet @fiskeridir @seafoodnorway @EFTAsecretariat @LeroySeafood @vetinst_no @IntraFishNorge
— Don Staniford (@TheGAAIA) August 20, 2020
In April 2020 @GreenerScotland admitted that imported salmon eggs (ova) are not tested for Infectious Salmon Anaemia or Piscine Reovirus Is 'Scottish' salmon infected with deadly viruses? @DefraGovUK @marinescotland @FergusEwingMSP @strathearnrose @scotgp
— Don Staniford (@TheGAAIA) August 20, 2020
In February 2020, Scottish Salmon Watch wrote to Scottish Ministers with respect to bio-security protocols and safety precautions of imported ova.
What bio-security protocols & safety precautions are Scottish Ministers taking re. imports of ova for use on 'Scottish' salmon farms? @FergusEwingMSP @strathearnrose @KateForbesMSP @MairiGougeon @GreenerScotland @marinescotland @WeAreBenchmark @HGSalmonUK
— Don Staniford (@TheGAAIA) February 26, 2020
In February 2020, Scottish Salmon Watch and The Ferret revealed that imports of salmon eggs (ova) from Norway were banned in May 2019 following fears of the spread of Infectious Salmon Anaemia with Iceland replacing Norway as the primary source of 'Scottish' salmon.
Norwegian Salmon Egg Exports Banned Due to Disease Risks @EFTAsecretariat @InfoMattilsynet @marinescotland @fiskeridir @NFdep @WeAreBenchmark @scotseafarms @MowiScotlandLtd @HGSalmonUK @FergusEwingMSP @DefraGovUK @SSPOsays #ISA #Norway #ScottishScamon
— Don Staniford (@TheGAAIA) February 24, 2020
How many millions of 'disease-free' salmon eggs from #Norway are now slipping back into #Scotland following last year's export ban due to Infectious Salmon Anaemia? @FergusEwingMSP @EFTAsecretariat @InfoMattilsynet @GreenerScotland @marinescotland #ScottishScamon #ISA #disease
— Don Staniford (@TheGAAIA) June 18, 2020
Following a critical inspection by @EFTAsecretariat in May 2019 imports of Norwegian eggs were banned from Scotland due to the perceived risk of spreading Infectious Salmon Anemia @undercur @InfoMattilsynet @WeAreBenchmark @fiskeridir @NFdep @SSPOsays
— Don Staniford (@TheGAAIA) February 25, 2020
Scottish Salmon Watch revealed in August 2020:
Norwegian Salmon Ova Slip Back Into Scotland (as Infectious Salmon Anaemia plagues salmon farms in Norway) @GreenerScotland @marinescotland @APHAgovuk @DefraGovUK @InfoMattilsynet @FergusEwingMSP @HGSalmonUK @EWNutritionGmbH @WeAreBenchmark @scotseafarms
— Don Staniford (@TheGAAIA) August 26, 2020
Scottish Salmon Watch today (7 July 2021) filed a FOI request with both the Scottish Government and Norwegian Government for information on disease risks of ova imports.
In September 2020, the Scottish Government disclosed data on ova imports following a FOI request filed by Scottish Salmon Watch.
The FOI disclosure detailed:
In February 2020, the Scottish Government disclosed data on ova imports following a FOI request filed by Scottish Salmon Watch.
The FOI disclosure included:
"Biosecurity is of crucial importance, not just on farms, but in hatcheries & in other sites" claims @HamishMacdonell @SSPOsays So why are imported ova from #Norway & #Iceland not tested for diseases & viruses? @marinescotland
— Don Staniford (@TheGAAIA) August 25, 2020
In November 2019, Scottish Salmon Watch won a landmark FOI ruling from the Scottish Information Commissioner forcing the Scottish Government to disclose "commercially damaging" information on where Scottish Sea Farms (Norskott Havbruk) sourced their imported ova.
FOI Victory: Scottish Ministers Forced to Come Clean on 'Scottish' Salmon @GreenerScotland @FergusEwingMSP @strathearnrose @KateForbesMSP @FOIScotland @CampaignFoI @Salmon_Business @IntraFishNorge @HGSalmonUK @scotseafarms @LeroySeafood @scotgp @SSPOsays
— Don Staniford (@TheGAAIA) November 11, 2019
In December 2019, Scottish Ministers disclosed the "commercially damaging" information.
'Scottish' Salmon Exposed As Made in Ireland & Iceland Here's the information which @scotgov claimed "would cause substantial harm to commercial interests" @scotseafarms @HGSalmonUK @FergusEwingMSP Thanks to Scottish Information Commissioner @FOIScotland
— Don Staniford (@TheGAAIA) December 18, 2019
In July 2019, the Mail On Sunday reported:
Record numbers of foreign salmon eggs are being imported by Scottish fish farms - @TheGAAIA in today’s Scottish Mail on Sunday:
— Georgia Edkins (@Georgia_Edkins) July 7, 2019
Scottish Salmon Watch reported in May 2019:
Scottish Salmon Watch reported in April 2019:
In March 2019, AquaGen bought a hatchery in Dumfries off Scottish Sea Farms (sourced from imported ova) which aimed to produce 50 million 'Scottish' salmon ova annually.
Fish Farmer reported in February 2020 (following Norway's ban on ova imports into Scotland):
The Ferret reported in February 2019:
Scottish Salmon Watch reported in May 2018:
The National reported on their front page in May 2018:
Replacing imported Norwegian ova with imported Icelandic (and Irish) ova, however, is merely switching from one disease risk to another. Science Advances reported in May 2021 on the spread of Piscine orthoreovirus (PRV) from Norwegian salmon farming to wild salmon in Canada "fuelled by aquacultural transmission" (i.e. infected farmed salmon which was imported as ova from Norway to Canada).
The threats posed by imported ova - from both ISA and PRV - are all too clear. The New York Times reported in 2011 how infected ova from Norway (AquaGen) spread ISA in Chile.
The scientific paper detailing vertical transmission via infected ova is available online here.
Vertical transmission of PRV via infected ova has also been reported from Iceland to the United States. The Seattle Times reported in May 2018:
The Seattle Times reported in December 2018:
Salmon Business reported in December 2018:
In April 2019, Scottish Salmon Watch wrote to Scottish Ministers urging the testing of ova, smolts and farmed salmon in sea cages for infectious diseases, pathogens and viruses.
Scottish Salmon Watch reported in June 2019 that testing by Marine Scotland Science in 2018 and 2019 found Piscine Reovirus in over 50% of farmed salmon tested.
Virus-Laden Farmed Salmon - FOI reveals over half of samples test positive for Piscine Reovirus #PRV #HSMI @marinescotland @FergusEwingMSP @strathearnrose @ScotParl @wildfirstcanada @alex4salmon @ecojustice_ca @EcoHustler @SumOfUs @ciwf @scotgp
— Don Staniford (@TheGAAIA) June 5, 2019
Isn't it ironic...don't you think. A little too ironic...and, yeah, I really do think...It's like salmon farmers exploiting the Coronavirus crisis when over 50% of farmed salmon tested positive for a virus @marinescotland @SSPOsays #alanismorissette
— Don Staniford (@TheGAAIA) March 13, 2020
Scottish Salmon Watch reported in April 2020 that a Freedom of Information reply from the Scottish Government (2 April 2020) revealed an abject lack of testing of viruses, pathogens and infectious diseases.
Scottish Salmon Watch warned in a press release published in August 2020:
The press release (25 August 2020) included:
Scottish Salmon Watch wrote to Scottish Ministers (26 August 2020) calling for a ban on imported ova and testing of hatcheries and farms for infectious diseases, viruses and pathogens (download letter as a PDF online here).
#COVID19 has taught us that closing borders is vital in stemming the spread of infectious diseases, viruses & pathogens Salmon farms using imported eggs should be quarantined until they can prove they're free of deadly viruses! @GreenerScotland #ISA #PRV
— Don Staniford (@TheGAAIA) August 26, 2020
Read more via:
Massive Attack on "Rotten Edifice" of 'Scottish' Salmon
Norway's Infectious Salmon "Horror Show" Secretly Playing Now In Scotland?
'Scottish' salmon resumes imports of "ISA-free" eggs from Norway?
Letter to Scottish Ministers: "Bio-security Protocols & Safety Precautions re. Ova Imports"
The Ferret: "Imports of Norwegian salmon eggs banned over deadly virus"
Norwegian Salmon Egg Exports Banned Due to Disease Risks
Game Ova for Scottish Salmon - Deadly disease delays egg imports from AquaGen in Norway
Deadly virus outbreak prompted fears over import of fish farm eggs to Scotland
Mail On Sunday: "90% of Scottish salmon 'ISN'T' from Scotland' - 66m eggs shipped in from abroad"
Salmon Eggsclusive: Scotland's 'King of Fish' is Now Viking Not Scottish!
Easter Egg Ban for 'Scottish' Salmon?
The Ferret: "Deadly virus outbreak prompted fears over import of fish farm eggs to Scotland"
Game Ova for Scottish Salmon - Deadly disease delays egg imports from AquaGen in Norway
Concerns raised over Scottish salmon roe imports
Government 'failing to protect Scottish salmon'
Imported eggs ruling 'makes a mockery of Scottish salmon'
Norway keeps ban on import of Scottish roe
Tartan imposters’ charge as fish egg imports hit 90%
Fish farms are ‘wiping out Scotland’s wild salmon’
'Norwegian' genes found in wild salmon populations in Wester Ross
Date: Wed, Jul 7, 2021 at 6:37 AM
Subject: FOI re. Ova Imports & disease risks (ISA & PRV)
To: <[email protected]>
Please include discussions with the Norwegian, Irish and Icelandic Governments, egg companies, salmon farming companies and other parties. This would also include any emails, letters, Cabinet Briefings, press updates and other information on ova imports in relation to salmon farming.
It would also include any correspondence with EFTA/ESA, Mattilsynet (Norwegian Food Safety Authority), European Commission, AquaGen, Benchmark (Stofnfiskur), Landcatch (Hendrix Genetics), Mowi, Scottish Sea Farms and any other parties in relation to ova imports since 8 July 2020.
Information on any disease risks and biosecurity concerns of ova imports would include any discussions, emails, letters and other information relating to Infectious Salmon Anaemia (ISA) and Piscine reovirus (PRV).
Date: Wed, Jul 7, 2021 at 6:41 AM
Subject: FOI re. Ova Imports & disease risks (ISA & PRV)
To: <[email protected]>
Date: Wed, Jul 7, 2021 at 6:45 AM
Subject: Fwd: FOI re. Ova Imports & disease risks (ISA & PRV)
To: Registry User <[email protected]>
Cc: Howdle, Catherine <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, Nielsen, Jonas <[email protected]>