EXPOSED: How 'Scottish' Salmon lobbied Scottish Ministers on the killing of seals & use of noisy Acoustic Deterrent Devices (shown by science to displace cetaceans up to 30km away) @SSPOsays @marinescotland @scotgov @ScotGovNetZero @strathearnrose @NOAA
— Don Staniford (@TheGAAIA) July 4, 2021
Freedom of Information documents reveal the depths trigger-happy salmon farmers will go to in their bloodthirsty lust to defend the slaughter of seals on Scottish salmon farms (ca. 70% of which are certified as 'welfare friendly' via RSPCA Assured).
Please boycott cheap & nasty Scottish salmon - you have the blood of seals on your hands if you buy Scottish salmon! @tavishscott @SSPOsays
— Don Staniford (@TheGAAIA) July 5, 2021
The disclosure by the Scottish Government - FOI 202100209041 - EIR Review compiled docs for requestor - 25 June 2021 - includes letters from the Scottish Salmon Producers Organisation (the lobby group for six foreign-owned companies who control 99% of 'Scottish' salmon) and replies from the Scottish Government in the wake of the US Government's proposed ban on imports of Scottish salmon sourced from farms killing seals.
Tavish Scott (lobbyist for Scottish Salmon justifying the slaughter of seals): "Rogue seals in Scottish coastal waters are becoming increasingly aggressive...they carry a clear injury threat to our staff" @tavishscott #Bollocks #Bullshit #BloodOnHands
— Don Staniford (@TheGAAIA) July 4, 2021
Here's the letters in full (in chronological order):
"We need to know what we can do - & what we cannot do - to manage seal predation" & prevent "increased aggression observed from rogue seals" wrote @tavishscott to @scotgov in October 2020 "They carry a clear injury threat to our staff" @SSPOsays #Bullshit
— Don Staniford (@TheGAAIA) July 5, 2021
Spot the Odd One Out Competition - first prize is a side of 'seal friendly' Scottish salmon (served fresh with the blood of a mother seal & her orphaned pup); second prize is two fillets & third prize is an all-you-can-eat buffet @SSPOsays @tavishscott
— Don Staniford (@TheGAAIA) July 4, 2021
The Sunday Mail reported (4 July 2021):
Professor Callum Roberts, of Exeter Uni, said: “These animals are friendly. The salmon farms are trying to put a spin on their indefensible practice of shooting seals” @Daily_Record @tavishscott @SSPOsays @marinescotland @HamishMacdonell @SealScotland
— Don Staniford (@TheGAAIA) July 4, 2021
#Scotland far better with #Seals than with #TavishScott spouting his biased nonsense
— CarolAlba (@ScotsVegi4Life) July 4, 2021
Here's a cute picture of lobbyist @tavishscott with his baby son next to a cute picture of a baby seal with his mum. Tavish lobbies for salmon farmers to slaughter "aggressive" seals leaving orphaned pups across Scotland. Please boycott Scottish salmon!
— Don Staniford (@TheGAAIA) July 5, 2021
The Ferret reported in June 2021:
Police Scotland is investigating an incident in March when a seal was allegedly shot at a fish farm off a west coast island.
— The Ferret (@FerretScot) June 8, 2021
"Those found guilty of breaking the new laws could face a maximum penalty of 5 years’ imprisonment, an unlimited fine, or both" (@scotgov) @FerretScot
— Don Staniford (@TheGAAIA) June 8, 2021
Which members of @rspcaassured 'Scottish' Salmon have killed seals illegally? @scotseafarms @SSPOsays
Scottish Salmon Watch reported in May 2021:
The latest version of the RSPCA's farmed salmon standards - published in February 2021 - makes for alarming reading (especially if you're unlucky to be a seal living near a salmon farm) @rspcaassured @RSPCA_PATeam @RSPCAChris @RSPCA_official @scotseafarms
— Don Staniford (@TheGAAIA) May 13, 2021
How do you protect your RSPCA Assured salmon since it is now illegal to kills seals? Does your Loch Spelve salmon farm have anti-predator nets? How many seals have you shot & killed since 31 January 2021 when it became illegal to kill seals?
— Don Staniford (@TheGAAIA) May 17, 2021
Scottish Salmon Watch reported in April 2021:
Email just in from an industry whistleblower: "A long-standing Mowi manager once shot a seal on Lewis with a shotgun & laughed as the poor creature writhed around screaming as it died slowly & painfully with a shotgun wound to the side of the head" @ScotlandMowi @rspcaassured
— Don Staniford (@TheGAAIA) April 26, 2021
Following a FOI disclosure in March 2021, Scottish Salmon Watch published photos of seals killed by salmon farmers in Scotland.
Photo Exclusive: Seals 'Executed' by Scottish Salmon @salmon_scottish @scotseafarms @strandings @marinescotland @NOAA @RuralPolicySRUC @SRUC @rspcaassured @SSPCA_Mike @SSPCA_Kirsteen @RSPCAChris @Try_Lochlander @coopuk @marksandspencer @Tesco
— Don Staniford (@TheGAAIA) March 8, 2021
The Sunday Times reported in March 2021:
Today's Sunday Times: "Sharp rise in seal shootings blew hole in permit scheme - Officials were warned that salmon farmers ‘had no willingness or intention’ to collect detailed data" @SundayTimesScot @strandings @SRUC @RuralPolicySRUC @_SMRU_ @scotgp
— Don Staniford (@TheGAAIA) March 7, 2021
John Robins of Animal Concern in today's @SundayTimesScot: "Seals appear to have been killed & disposed of illegally as a matter of course" @SSPOsays @ScotlandMowi @salmon_scottish @scotseafarms @GriegShetland @CookeScotland @LochDuartSalmon @tavishscott
— Don Staniford (@TheGAAIA) March 7, 2021
The Ferret reported in February 2021:
Salmon farming companies have been criticised for not reporting seal shooting in time and for having "something amiss" with seal control.
— The Ferret (@FerretScot) February 25, 2021
Scottish Salmon Watch reported (25 February 2021):
Scottish Salmon Watch reported (27 February 2021):
Named & Shamed: Salmon farmers killed over 1,000 seals since 2011. Don't buy Scottish salmon stained with the blood of Scotland's seals! @scotseafarms @salmon_scottish @ScotlandMowi @LochDuartSalmon @CookeScotland @GriegShetland @rspcaassured
— Don Staniford (@TheGAAIA) February 27, 2021
Does anyone know the names of the 'nominated marksmen' who have killed 1,000+ seals at Scottish salmon farms since 2011? @policescotland @marinescotland @SSPOsays @salmon_scottish @scotseafarms @ScotlandMowi @GriegShetland @tavishscott @LochDuartSalmon
— Don Staniford (@TheGAAIA) February 26, 2021
The Sunday Times reported in February 2021:
Today's Sunday Times: "Animal welfare campaigners sound out ban on acoustic seal deterrent" @SundayTimesScot
— Don Staniford (@TheGAAIA) February 21, 2021
"The Scottish government needs to get on with banning these cruel devices” @markruskell @GreenerScotland @SealifeA @ClydePorpoise @whalesorg
In February 2021, greedy salmon farmers demanded compensation for seal attacks.
Greedy salmon farmers call for financial compensation for fish lost to seal attacks - what about recompense to the marine environment for killing off nature?
— Don Staniford (@TheGAAIA) February 18, 2021
Money-grabbing parasitic salmon farmers call for compensation for lost stock resulting from seal attacks via @Shetnews @tavishscott @wildathillswick @SealScotland @SOSealsFund @MeganMcCubbin @ChrisGPackham @onekindtweet @ciwf @domdyer70 @scotseafarms
— Don Staniford (@TheGAAIA) February 20, 2021
"By failing to install predator exclusion nets to keep seals at a distance from cages holding their stock, salmon farmers have in my view been in breach of the Animal Health & Welfare Act 2006 since the day it came into force" (John Robins of Animal Concern) @heraldscotland
— Don Staniford (@TheGAAIA) February 22, 2021
Intrafish reported (19 February 2021):
Intrafish reported (14 January 2021):
BBC News reported (14 January 2021):
The Guardian reported in June 2020:
Salmon farmers will be banned from shooting seals & face tougher controls on using acoustic devices @guardian @severincarrell Scottish ministers are introducing the measures due to fears the US could ban salmon @marinescotland @NOAA @scotgp @nature_scot
— Don Staniford (@TheGAAIA) June 17, 2020
Fish Farming Expert reported (2 June 2020):
The Sunday Times reported in October 2019:
The article included:
The Sunday Herald reported in March 2018:
The Sunday Herald reported in September 2016:
Read more via:
- Sunday Mail: "Ex-MSP ridiculed for claiming seals are dangerous to humans"
- Probe launched over claims of ‘sonic torture’ at Scots fish farms
- Scientists sound warning over next-gen seal scarers
- The Ferret: "Police investigate allegation seal was illegally shot by fish farm"
- RSPCA Sponsored Seal Killing Continues Despite US Ban?
- Herald On Sunday: "Scottish M&S supplier blames seals for salmon wounds as RSPCA Assured status is suspended"
- The Ferret: "£10,000 reward for information on illegal seal killing after police asked to investigate deaths"
- £10,000 Reward Offered - Illegal Killing of Seals by Scottish Salmon Farms in the Cross Hairs!
- FOI Disclosure: Seal Licence Breaches by Salmon Farms (reply by Scottish Government on 1 April 2021)
- Photo Exclusive: Seals 'Executed' by Scottish Salmon
- FOI disclosure from Scottish Marine Animal Strandings Scheme
- Police Scotland refuse to name 112 marksmen licenced to kill seals!
- Sunday Times: "Sharp rise in seal shootings blew hole in permit scheme - Officials were warned that salmon farmers ‘had no willingness or intention’ to collect detailed data"
- Parliamentary Report: "ADD Use in the Aquaculture Sector"
- Scientific Study into Impact of Low Frequency ADDs Silenced!
- Calling All Whistleblowers - Please pass on photos of dead seals killed at salmon farms!
- Daily Mirror: "'Nearly 80 seals were legally shot in Scotland in 2020 – highest number in seven years'"
- Scottish Salmon's #1 Seal Killer - Norway's 'Scottish' Sea Farms Named & Shamed!
- Official Data: 1,000+ seals killed by salmon farms since 2011!
- The Ferret: "Salmon companies rapped for breaking rules on shooting seals"
- Caught in the Cross-Hairs: Illegal Killing of Seals by Scottish Salmon Farms!
- FOI opens sealed documents on killing by salmon farms
- Pulling the Plug on ADD on salmon farms - is turning down the volume enough to comply with the law?
- Greedy Salmon Farmers Demand £13 Million Compensation for Seal Attacks!
- £5,000 reward offered for information on illegal shooting of seals
- Victory Sealed After 50-Year Campaign - But the Battle to Save Marine Mammals from Salmon Farms Continues!
- The Guardian: "Scottish salmon farmers to be banned from shooting seals"
- Photo Gallery: Seals Against Salmon Farms!
- Caught Between the Devil & the Deep Blue Sea
- The Ferret: "Seal scarers used by fish farms branded 'sonic torture'"
- GenusWave 'Targeted Acoustic Startle Technology' - in compliance with the U.S. Marine Mammal Protection Act??
- Seal shooting at salmon farms doubles before ban
- Ban on seal shooting must be watertight
- Greens want ban on seal scarers
- Fergus Ewing - Minister for the Promotion of Norwegian Salmon Farming
- Seals in the Cross-Hairs of the Scottish Parliament
- Scottish Salmon's Slaughter of Seals Has Not Stopped!
- Sunday Herald: "Revealed: Scottish Government bid to exempt salmon farming from US seal-killing ban"
- RSPCA in firing line over Marine Harvest's seal-killing spree in Scotland - 118 seals killed by Marine Harvest's RSPCA Assured farms since 2011
- Marine Harvest: Scotland's #1 Seal Killer
- All At Sea: Seal-Killing Salmon Farms
- Scottish Salmon Blinded by Seal Killing
- The Two Billion Dollar Salmon Ban
- Closing the Net On 'Seal-Friendly' Scottish Salmon - last orders on the RSPCA's abuse of 'last resort' killing of seals?
- Seal shooting by fish farms to be banned to save exports to US
- Cecil the Seal Killers Named & Shamed in Scotland - Call for Boycott of "Seal Unfriendly" Scottish Salmon
- Media Splash for Seal-Killing Salmon Farms!
- VICTORY: Disclosure of Seal-Killing Salmon Farm Data Ordered by 21 August
- Scottish Salmon's Secret Seal Killers! - FOI refusal prompts call for boycott of farmed salmon
- Lethal Scottish Farmed Salmon: Serial Seal Killers Named & Shamed!
- Scottish Salmon's Seal Killers Named & Shamed!
Wanted: Tavish Scott - Lobbying for Seal Killing At Salmon Farms in Scotland! @tavishscott @SSPOsays
— Don Staniford (@TheGAAIA) July 4, 2021
£10,000 reward for information leading to a successful prosecution @policescotland @ScotlandMowi @salmon_scottish @scotseafarms @marinescotland
Obviously @tavishscott & @SSPOsays haven't the nous to understand that getting between any wild animal and its food is going to end badly.
— Russ Cheshire #ThreePointFivePercent 🇪🇺 💙 (@RussCheshire) July 4, 2021
How about getting the unsustainable, toxic #salmon industry out of #Scotland's seas, @NicolaSturgeon?
Seals moving the goal posts, probably coached by resentful badgers. When are we going to start respecting our threatened native biodiversity? 😟
— Rewilding Me (@MRewilding) July 4, 2021
Look "lobbying" up in the dictionary. In case you cannot read, here's the Cambridge Dictionary: "the activity of trying to persuade someone in authority, usually an elected member of a government, to support laws or rules that give your organization or industry an advantage"
— Don Staniford (@TheGAAIA) July 5, 2021