Scientific Study into Impact of Low Frequency ADDs Silenced! @SAMSoceannews @denrisch @chazz_findlay @tex_sim @nature_scot @marinescotland @SSPOsays @OTAQ2 @aceaquatec @NOAAComms @strathearnrose @SealifeA @scotseafarms @TheSoundOfJura @_SMRU_ @scotgp
— Don Staniford (@TheGAAIA) March 2, 2021
A report 'published' back in 2018 by the Scottish Aquaculture Research Forum (SARF) into the "Influences of lower-frequency Acoustic Deterrent Devices (ADDs) on cetaceans in Scottish coastal waters" has mysteriously vanished.
Thankfully, a Freedom of Information reply published by Scottish Natural Heritage (Nature Scotland) includes SARF report 112 which was "updated in light of comments made by the referees":
The report's Executive Summary included:
The SARF report listed the following ADDs:
The SARF report detailed the impacts of ADDs on cetaceans:
Read SARF report 112 in full online here
Evaluation forms on the final project report (disclosed by SNH via FOI in 2019 and 2020) included:
And a third referee commented:
Read referees comments in full online here
In May 2018, Scottish Salmon Watch reported:
Download press release and media backgrounder in full online here
Scottish Salmon Watch reported in June 2018:
Scottish Salmon Watch reported in September 2018:
Scottish Salmon Watch reported in June 2020:
The Notes to Editors included:
The Scottish Government is always listening intently & watching closely when it comes to concerns raised about the killing of seals and use of Acoustic Deterrent Devices @FergusEwingMSP @marinescotland @nature_scot @aceaquatec @OTAQ2 @MowiScotlandLtd
— Don Staniford (@TheGAAIA) June 17, 2020
The Fish Site reported (1 March 2021):
Fish Farming Expert reported (1 March 2021):
Read more via:
- Pulling the Plug on ADD on salmon farms - is turning down the volume enough to comply with the law?
- Sunday Times: "Animal welfare campaigners sound out ban on acoustic seal deterrent"
- Mail On Sunday: "Salmon farmers are 'torturing' porpoises and dolphins with high-pitched noises to protect their stock, campaigners warn"
- Unlicensed use of ADDs in aquaculture is contrary to European Protected Species legislation & completely immoral!
- Daily Record: "Whales and dolphins being 'tortured' by anti-seal scare devices at Scottish fish farms"
- The Guardian: "Scottish salmon farmers to be banned from shooting seals"
- Caught Between the Devil & the Deep Blue Sea
- The Ferret: "Seal scarers used by fish farms branded 'sonic torture'"
- GenusWave 'Targeted Acoustic Startle Technology' - in compliance with the U.S. Marine Mammal Protection Act??
- Seal shooting at salmon farms doubles before ban
- Ban on seal shooting must be watertight
- Greens want ban on seal scarers
- BBC Countryfile on ADDs impacting on cetaceans
- Sounding Off On Salmon Farms - Acoustic Deterrent Devices evade Marine Noise Registry
- SARF report 112: "Influences of lower-frequency Acoustic Deterrent Devices (ADDs) on cetaceans in Scottish coastal waters"
- The Times: "Noisy fish farms ‘harm other marine life’"
- Mapping widespread and increasing underwater noise pollution from acoustic deterrent devices
- Sounding Off About Scotland's Noisy Salmon Farms - Turn Off Acoustic Deterrent Devices to Protect Cetaceans
- Deafening Impact of Salmon Farms on Cetaceans
- The National: "Warning salmon farm devices could hit wildlife tourism"
- Turning Down the Volume on Salmon Farms is Not Enough: 'Cetacean Friendly' Acoustic Deterrent Devices Still Harm & Must Be Banned
- Cetaceans Sound Alarm On Salmon Farms - new research sparks EC complaint & call to ban Acoustic Deterrent Devices
- Sunday Herald: "Health of whales, dolphins and porpoises put at risk by underwater alarms"
- Noisy Salmon Farms - Switch Off Acoustic Deterrent Devices Now!
NOAA: "I don't know what you mean by 'MMPA compliant'. If you are referring to whether certain ADDs are included in the PROPOSED guidelines for deterring marine mammals, that information is available on our website in the proposed rule....Again, the proposal is not yet final"
— Don Staniford (@TheGAAIA) March 1, 2021
Ace Aquatec claims to "have secured MMPA compliance" for their ADDs - where is NOAA's official notification? @aceaquatec @SSPOsays @OTAQ2
— Don Staniford (@TheGAAIA) March 1, 2021
NOAA's 'proposed rule' is "not yet final"!@NOAA @NOAAOceanToday @NOAAComms @marinescotland @nature_scot @SealifeA
Next generation Acoustic Deterrent Devices still too noisy for cetaceans? @aceaquatec @SSPOsays @nature_scot @NOAA @SealifeA @chazz_findlay @HWDT_org @dolmansarahj @whalesorg @TheSoundOfJura @ewangkennedy @marinescotland @strathearnrose @scotgp
— Don Staniford (@TheGAAIA) March 1, 2021
Scotland’s salmon farmers are no longer using acoustic deterrent devices that may have been considered to cause disturbance to European Protected Species @salmonfarming1 @SSPOsays @aceaquatec @SealifeA @whalesorg @dolmansarahj @HWDT_org
— Don Staniford (@TheGAAIA) March 1, 2021
Is it enough to turn down the volume of ADDs on salmon farms to comply with the US Marine Mammal Protection Act? @SSPOsays @SealifeA @OTAQ2 @aceaquatec @_SMRU_ @NOAA @marinescotland
— Don Staniford (@TheGAAIA) February 23, 2021
How low do you go to comply with European law on disturbance of cetaceans? @nature_scot @JNCC_UK
Marine Scotland say disturbance, the offence under Scots law, occurs above 120 decibels, Kok (2017) recorded disturbance at 100 dB, Brandt at 113dB @marinescotland @nature_scot @NOAA @SSPOsays @Feorlean @JohnFinnieHI @markruskell
— Sealife-Adventures (@SealifeA) February 23, 2021
Replying to @TheGAAIA @SSPOsays and 17 others