Watching Fergus Ewing, Scotland's Minister for the Promotion of Norwegian Salmon Farming in Scotland, talking pish about "sustainable" 'Scottish' salmon on Scottish Parliament TV
— Don Staniford (@TheGAAIA) December 2, 2020
Underneath his shirt he's wearing his corporate colours! @FergusEwingMSP
Watch online here
Hands up if you think @marinescotland is more interested in protecting Norwegian-owned salmon farming business interests than in protecting wild fish in Scotland? @SP_RECcttee @FergusEwingMSP
— Don Staniford (@TheGAAIA) December 2, 2020
Agenda and papers online here - including:
- Submission from Costal Communities Network Scotland, regarding the Committee’s discussions on the salmon inquiry update, 29 November 2020 (2,177 KB pdf)
- Submission from Sustainable Inshore Fishiries Trust, regarding the Committee’s discussions on the salmon inquiry update, 29 November 2020 (184 KB pdf)
The submission from Coastal Communities Network Scotland (29 November 2020) included:
"Marine Scotland did not mention that its latest advice to @SSPOsays confirms that all current Acoustic Deterrent Devices are capable of disturbing cetaceans & that this against the law in Scotland" @SP_RECcttee @marinescotland @SealifeA @ClydePorpoise
— Don Staniford (@TheGAAIA) December 2, 2020
Read more via:
Fergus Ewing - Minister for the Promotion of Norwegian Salmon Farming
Ministers Gorge on Scottish Salmon à la John Gummer
Fergus Sings the Norwegian Blues!
Fergus Ewing is ‘un-ministerial’, says civil service union @FerretScot @pcs_union accused @FergusEwingMSP of avoiding FOI law by failing to ensure that 25 meetings with fish farming industry were recorded @FOIScotland @CampaignFoI @TheSoundOfJura @scotgp
— Don Staniford (@TheGAAIA) June 5, 2020
Imidacloprid - Banned because it's extremely toxic to aquatic life and hazardous to the aquatic environment. Who would think that allwoing it to be used in Scottish salmon farms would be a good idea? @FergusEwingMSP @scotgov - that's who.
— stuartll (@stuartpengs) June 8, 2020