Infectious Salmon Anaemia plagues salmon farms in Norway "ISA outbreaks usually mean that infected salmon cages have to be emptied & the fish destroyed". Is ISA back in Scotland? @FergusEwingSNP @marinescotland @strathearnrose @ScotlandMowi @SSPOsays
— Don Staniford (@TheGAAIA) April 19, 2021
ISA infections move south in Norway - has the infectious disease moved further south into Shetland (as it did so in 2009 @GriegShetland) or into mainland Scotland as in 1999 @scotseafarms ? @InfoMattilsynet @FergusEwingMSP @marinescotland @strathearnrose
— Don Staniford (@TheGAAIA) November 30, 2020
Is deadly Infectious Salmon Anaemia already lurking in Scottish salmon farms & hatcheries? @FergusEwingMSP @marinescotland @strathearnrose @KateForbesMSP @MowiScotlandLtd @WeAreBenchmark @EWNutritionGmbH @scotseafarms @GriegShetland @salmon_scottish @HGSalmonUK @SSPOsays #ISA
— Don Staniford (@TheGAAIA) August 20, 2020
Infectious Salmon Anaemia "horror show" plagues #Norway @InfoMattilsynet @fiskeridir @seafoodnorway @EFTAsecretariat @LeroySeafood @vetinst_no @IntraFishNorge
— Don Staniford (@TheGAAIA) August 20, 2020
Intrafish reported (20 August 2020):
Scottish Salmon Watch today (20 August 2020) filed Freedom of Information requests with the UK and Scottish Government on testing of imported salmon ova (eggs) for Infectious Salmon Anaemia as well as testing in hatcheries and farms.
In April 2020 @GreenerScotland admitted that imported salmon eggs (ova) are not tested for Infectious Salmon Anaemia or Piscine Reovirus Is 'Scottish' salmon infected with deadly viruses? @DefraGovUK @marinescotland @FergusEwingMSP @strathearnrose @scotgp
— Don Staniford (@TheGAAIA) August 20, 2020
In April 2020, Scottish Salmon Watch reported:
A Freedom of Information reply from the Scottish Government earlier this month (2 April 2020) reveals an abject lack of testing of viruses, pathogens and infectious diseases.
Scottish Salmon Watch's FOI request of 28 February 2020 also asked for:
The Scottish Government refused the FOI request on 2 April 2020 citing commercial confidentiality:
Read more via "FOI Reveals Virus-Laden Salmon Slip Net & Into Scottish Waters"
In July 2020, Scottish Salmon Watch reported:
Last month Scottish Salmon Watch revealed that imports of salmon eggs (ova) into Scottish salmon farms may have restarted following a ban in May 2019 due to Infectious Salmon Anaemia (ISA). Now the European Free Trade Association has finally disclosed some documents via Freedom of Information but refused many more citing commercial confidentiality.
Meanwhile, ISA continues to ravage salmon farms in Norway.
More suspected ISA outbreaks reported… via @fishfarmermag @GriegShetland @GriegNL @InfoMattilsynet
— Don Staniford (@TheGAAIA) October 14, 2020
Infectious Salmon Anaemia plagues salmon farms in Norway @IntraFishNorge @InfoMattilsynet @GriegShetland @GriegNL @Folketrygdfond @fiskeridir @EFTAsecretariat
— Don Staniford (@TheGAAIA) August 25, 2020
In February 2020, Scottish Salmon Watch wrote to Scottish Ministers with respect to bio-security protocols and safety precautions of imported ova.
Download letter in full online here
The Scottish Government replied on 25 March 2020:
According to the World Organization for Animal Health (OIE):
The Scottish Government's 'Biosecurity Measures Plan' states:
The Scottish Government's 'Disinfection Guide' is available online here
Read more via: Letter to Scottish Ministers: "Bio-security Protocols & Safety Precautions re. Ova Imports"
In February 2020, Scottish Salmon Watch and The Ferret revealed that imports of salmon eggs (ova) from Norway were banned in May 2019 following fears of the spread of Infectious Salmon Anaemia.
Read more via:
The Ferret: "Imports of Norwegian salmon eggs banned over deadly virus"
Norwegian Salmon Egg Exports Banned Due to Disease Risks
Game Ova for Scottish Salmon - Deadly disease delays egg imports from AquaGen in Norway
Deadly virus outbreak prompted fears over import of fish farm eggs to Scotland
In June 2019, Scottish Salmon Watch revealed that testing by Marine Scotland Science in 2018 and 2019 found Piscine Reovirus in over 50% of farmed salmon.
Read more via "Virus-Laden Farmed Salmon"
In April 2019, Scottish Salmon Watch wrote to Scottish Ministers urging the testing of ova, smolts and farmed salmon in sea cages for infectious diseases, pathogens and viruses.
Read more via:
- EFTA disclose documents on disease-ridden Norwegian salmon farming but refuse more citing commercial confidentiality
'Scottish' salmon resumes imports of "ISA-free" eggs from Norway?
FOI letter to Norwegian Food Safety Authority re. Infectious Salmon Anaemia
- Undercurrent News: "Iceland replaces Norway as main source of Scottish salmon eggs following import ban"
- Letter to Scottish Ministers: "Bio-security Protocols & Safety Precautions re. Ova Imports"
- The Ferret: "Imports of Norwegian salmon eggs banned over deadly virus"
- Norwegian Salmon Egg Exports Banned Due to Disease Risks
How many millions of 'disease-free' salmon eggs from #Norway are now slipping back into #Scotland following last year's export ban due to Infectious Salmon Anaemia? @FergusEwingMSP @EFTAsecretariat @InfoMattilsynet @GreenerScotland @marinescotland #ScottishScamon #ISA #disease
— Don Staniford (@TheGAAIA) June 18, 2020
Scottish Salmon Watch filed this FOI request with the Scottish Government (8 July 2020):
Date: Wed, Jul 8, 2020 at 9:40 AM
Subject: FOI re. ova imports & ISA since 16 December 2019
To: <[email protected]>
Information on any disease risks and biosecurity concerns of ova imports. This would include any discussions, emails, letters and other information relating to Infectious Salmon Anaemia (ISA) which would certainly include reference to Norwegian salmon farming.
Date: Fri, Aug 7, 2020 at 10:08 PM
Subject: Your recent correspondence with Scottish Government and partner agencies - 202000058422
To: <[email protected]>
Date: Tue, Aug 18, 2020 at 1:45 PM
Subject: Review re FOI 202000058422
To: <[email protected]>
Cc: <[email protected]>
From: Don Staniford <[email protected]>
Date: Thu, Aug 20, 2020 at 10:10 AM
Subject: FOI re. imported salmon ova and testing for diseases, viruses and pathogens in hatcheries and farms
To: Defra Information Rights Team <[email protected]>, [email protected]
Please provide information on the import of salmon eggs (ova) since 1 May 2019.
Please include data on salmon ova imports.
Please include emails, letters and any other information relating to salmon ova imports.
Please also provide information on disease risks and the testing of imported salmon eggs (ova) for infectious diseases, pathogens and viruses such as Infectious Salmon Anaemia and Piscine Reovirus since 1 May 2019.
Please include correspondence with the Norwegian authorities (e.g. Mattilsynet), EFTA/ESA, EU, EC, the Scottish Government, AquaGen, Benchmark, salmon farming companies and other parties.
Please consider this a FOI request under the relevant FOI and Environmental Information regulations.
Please note a FOI reply from the Scottish Government disclosed on 7 August 2020 (FOI/202000058422) which included:
Sent: 07 February 2020 15:03
Subject: Temporary ova suspension update from Norwegian authorities.
It was nice talking to you earlier – thank you for the update.
As we discussed, some industry members expressed concerns, over uncertainty with the subject in matter, as a result I thought it would best to ask DEFRA to seek an update from Norwegian authorities if possible. We would be grateful if you can seek clarity and provide further information on the ISA free compartment list and when the competent authority will resume issuing certificates for exports.
I guess the main question to ask is if they expect to put forward the ISA free list for consideration and open up trade in the meeting next week or in any of the following meetings e.g April meeting? Are they seeking approval from SCoPAFF that they have fully implemented corrective measures or is this just an update on their progress?
Also is the EFTA audit completed (still scheduled until April?).
Also grateful if you can let me know if there is any forward visibility regarding which compartments will be put forward.
Any help/assistance you can provide would be greatly appreciate.
Kind regards
Marine Scotland – Aquaculture, Crown Estate, Recreational Fisheries, EMFF and Europe
E-mail: <REDACTED>
Mail: Scottish Government, 1B North, Victoria Quay, Edinburgh EH6 6QQ
Sent: 25 February 2020 16:43
Subject: Feedback from Norway - ova suspension
Sorry for the delay with this but we’ve now heard back from Norway regarding an update on the ova suspension.
They have informed us that they’ve been in a process of carrying out a comprehensive evaluation of all of their previously Declared ISA-free zones and compartments in order to rule out all possible misunderstandings and lack of fulfilment of the requirements set out in Commission Decision 1554/2015. This process is now in its final stage, and a conclusion will be reached within a few days.
Therefore, they’ve said that at the moment they’re not able to give more details on which compartments will be reintroduced on their list, but will provide more information as soon as the final decision is made.
I will let you know as and when we receive more information.
Best wishes,
Aquatic Animal Health | Animal & Plant Health
Department for Environment Food & Rural Affairs
Area 2B Nobel House | 17 Smith Square | London SW1P 3JR
For those in Defra: find me on people finder; FAPHET Organogram
Sent: 12 March 2020 13:36
Subject: Norweigen Temporary ova suspension update
Dear all,
Please find information below regarding the Norwegian self-imposed suspension of health certification of live aquaculture animals from certain ISA-free zones and compartments.
They have now confirmed that the Norwegian Food Safety Authority has decided to lift the suspension for the following compartments as from 6th March 2020:
- Compartment 18000 - Rimstad, Company AquaGen
- Compartment 12917 – Sjølseng – Hall 6, Veksthall 1 og 2, Company AquaGen
- Compartment 12917 – Sjølseng - Hall 2, Company AquaGen
Consequently, live ova produced at those compartments will from now on be certified for export to UK.
Best wishes,
Aquatic Animal Health | Animal & Plant Health
Department for Environment Food & Rural Affairs
Area 2B Nobel House | 17 Smith Square | London SW1P 3JR
<REDACTED> | 020802 65135
For those in Defra: find me on people finder; FAPHET Organogram
For more context please read: Norway's Infectious Salmon "Horror Show" Secretly Playing Now In Scotland?
Please acknowledge receipt of this FOI request.
If you have any queries please do not hesitate to contact me on 07771 541826.
Don Staniford
Director, Scottish Salmon Watch
Date: Thu, Aug 20, 2020 at 10:18 AM
Subject: Automatic reply: FOI re. imported salmon ova and testing for diseases, viruses and pathogens in hatcheries and farms
To: Don Staniford <[email protected]>
Thank you for your email to the Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs. We have a target of replying to emails within 20 working days where a response is required, and 20 working days where a case is handled under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 or the Environmental Information Regulations 2004.
Please be aware that we are receiving a high number of correspondence during the COVID-19 outbreak which may mean a delay in response times.
If you need a reply before then, please call the Defra Helpline on 03459 33 55 77, or visit
If your enquiry is related to COVID- 19, please check our guidance page first before you contact us -
If you or someone you are contacting us on behalf of are currently at risk of serious harm or in a life threatening situation, please contact the emergency services:
999 for emergencies
101 non-emergency police line
111- NHS
If you suspect a notifiable animal disease or have animal welfare concerns, please report these to the Animal and Plant Health Agency (APHA) immediately. Failure to report a notifiable animal disease is an offence. APHA can be contacted using the following details:
· England: 03000 200301 or [email protected]
· Wales: 03003 038268 or [email protected]
· Scotland: [email protected]
We receive thousands of identical emails each month from organised campaigns. Ministers and officials are made aware of these campaigns, but unfortunately we cannot reply to each email individually.
Best wishes,
Ministerial Contact Unit
Leroy (co-owner of Norskott Havbruk) is plagued by Infectious Salmon Anaemia in #Norway @LeroySeafood @InfoMattilsynet @LeroySeafood
— Don Staniford (@TheGAAIA) July 6, 2021
Scottish Sea Farms (Hydro Seafoods) spread ISA around #Scotland in the 1990s causing £100m losses - is ISA back again?