Daily Record: "Whales and dolphins being 'tortured' by anti-seal scare devices at Scottish fish farms" https://t.co/nHDNFYtYGl @Daily_Record @SealifeA @whalesorg @HWDT_org @AlisonJohnstone @markruskell @marinescotland @SSPOsays @SAMSoceannews @tex_sim @MairiGougeon pic.twitter.com/Kj5nF5h3pO
— Don Staniford (@TheGAAIA) August 4, 2020
The Daily Record reported (3 August 2020):
Please sign a petition calling on the Scottish Government to ban ADDs now!
And it’s illegal in Scotland to disturb any porpoise dolphin or whale. Petition to stop them here https://t.co/XejmrrLcW8 please sign and share. https://t.co/MiXlTOfI4Q
— Sealife-Adventures (@SealifeA) August 4, 2020
- The Guardian: "Scottish salmon farmers to be banned from shooting seals"
- Caught Between the Devil & the Deep Blue Sea
- The Ferret: "Seal scarers used by fish farms branded 'sonic torture'"
- GenusWave 'Targeted Acoustic Startle Technology' - in compliance with the U.S. Marine Mammal Protection Act??
- Seal shooting at salmon farms doubles before ban
- Ban on seal shooting must be watertight
- Greens want ban on seal scarers
- BBC Countryfile on ADDs impacting on cetaceans
- Sounding Off On Salmon Farms - Acoustic Deterrent Devices evade Marine Noise Registry
- SARF report 112: "Influences of lower-frequency Acoustic Deterrent Devices (ADDs) on cetaceans in Scottish coastal waters"
- The Times: "Noisy fish farms ‘harm other marine life’"
- Mapping widespread and increasing underwater noise pollution from acoustic deterrent devices
- Sounding Off About Scotland's Noisy Salmon Farms - Turn Off Acoustic Deterrent Devices to Protect Cetaceans
- Deafening Impact of Salmon Farms on Cetaceans
- The National: "Warning salmon farm devices could hit wildlife tourism"
- Cetaceans Sound Alarm On Salmon Farms - new research sparks EC complaint & call to ban Acoustic Deterrent Devices
- Sunday Herald: "Health of whales, dolphins and porpoises put at risk by underwater alarms"
- Noisy Salmon Farms - Switch Off Acoustic Deterrent Devices Now!
It's not only the use of Acoustic Deterrent Devices by salmon farms that cause underwater noise pollution. Farm production machinery also has a significant impact. @savescotsseas @scottishseas @scotsalmontank
— Frank Melvin (@Diveclyde) June 8, 2018
Tap to listen. pic.twitter.com/zEhPYYBAcE