'Case Information' slipped out before Xmas by the Scottish Government's Fish Health Inspectorate (FHI) reveals that the salmon roadspill on the A86 in September 2019 originated from a disease-ridden salmon farm operated by Norwegian-owned Mowi on the Isle of Skye at Cairidh in Loch Ainort.
Alarmingly, the farmed salmon were moved in late August 2019 from a disease-ridden salmon operated by Mowi on the Isle of Rum where a Risk Assessment (RA) had confirmed the presence of Piscine Reovirus (PRV) - the causative agent of Heart & Skeletal Muscle Inflammation (HSMI), Piscine myocarditis virus (PMCV) - the causative agent of Cardiomyopathy Syndrome (CMS), Paranucelospora - a primary agent in Proliferative Gill Disease - and Yersinia - the etiological agent of enteric redmouth (ERM) disease.
According to the FHI report dated 24 September 2019, Mowi's move of 206,000 salmon from the Isle of Rum to Loch Ainort breached biosecurity procedures and the Scottish Salmon Producers Organisation's 'Code of Good Practice for Scottish Finfish Aquaculture'.
Over 11,000 mortalities were reported in September 2019 with over 7,000 attributed to Anaemia. The FHI report dated 24 September 2019 also detailed the use of the toxic chemical Salmosan (Azamethiphos) and Tricaine methanesulphonate (T.M.S.) but shockingly "no samples were taken for disease analysis". Here's the FHI 'Case Information' published on 19 December 2019 (pages 103 to 116):
The Daily Record reported (17 September 2019):
The Fish Health Inspectorate's 'Case Information' for Mowi's salmon farm off the Isle of Rum on 9 July 2019 (starts at p10 of the PDF) includes:
Read more via:
Mowi's Welfare Nightmare on Rum - "blind", "physical damage", "anorexic" & over 40,000 dead fish!
Road Spill for Diseased Scottish Salmon (Not Even Fit For Roadkill)!
BBC Farming Today on Mowi's Disease-Ridden Rum Feedlot
Here's a Tweet to Nancy Nicolson on 6 January 2019:
"The Scottish industry has changed dramatically since the early days of fish farming at Cairidh in 1978" says @heraldscotland https://t.co/izp6mesTza
— Don Staniford (@TheGAAIA) June 10, 2021
And not for the better - here's diseased farmed salmon from Cairidh in Loch Ainort spilled onto the A86 https://t.co/qbOuSXwvQn pic.twitter.com/hinYgQat57