The issue of salmon farms killing seals and the prospect of a US import ban on Scottish farmed salmon was raised by the Scottish Green Party in the Scottish Parliament earlier today (19 April 2017):
Here's a press release issued by the Scottish Green Party (19 April 2017):
Read more via:
Take Scotland's Seals Out of the Cross Hairs!
"All At Sea: Seal-Killing Salmon Farms"
"The Two Billion Dollar Salmon Ban"
"Concern as crucial forum for protection of seals abandoned"
"Scottish salmon exports at risk if seals keep being shot"
"Stop the slaughter now"/"Cruelty and pollution have no place in Scotland's waters"
"Sunday Herald: "Scotland's 'trigger-happy' salmon farmers risk losing £200m US export market""
"Seal of Approval for U.S. Ban on Salmon"
"Scottish Sea Farms points to progress in seal management"
"Exposed: the inhumane shooting of hundreds of seals"
"Scottish salmon has five years to cut seal deaths before NOAA action"
"Campaigners claim new NOAA rules could see Scottish salmon banned from US"
"End the slaughter of seals in Scotland now"
"U.S. ban for lethal Scottish salmon- £200 million in exports killed off by seal slaughter"
"Charity makes plea to end seal shooting in Scotland"
"Seal culling in scientists’ crosshairs"
"Staniford calls on RSPCA to drop Marine Harvest, Scottish Sea Farms, SSC"
"RSPCA defend record as anti-seal cull campaigners allege salmon farms are not 'last resort' killers"
Dear RSPCA, please wash the blood of Scottish seals off your hands!
Video Message to the RSPCA - stop the killing of seals on salmon farms!
"Anti-salmon farm campaigners petition Queen over RSPCA’s seal-shooting sanction"
Petition to the RSPCA: End your support for the killing of Scottish seals!
"RSPCA Savaged Over Seal Killing in Scotland"
"Scottish Salmon Blinded by Seal Killing"
"Salmon farmers are shooting seals instead of installing non-lethal deterrents, campaigners say"
"Protests planned as number of seals killed in Scots salmon farms rises by 20 per cent"
"Stop Shooting Seals for Salmon Meals"
"VICTORY: Disclosure of Seal-Killing Salmon Farm Data Ordered by 21 August"
"Scottish Salmon's Secret Seal Killers! - FOI refusal prompts call for boycott of farmed salmon"
"Lethal Scottish Farmed Salmon: Serial Seal Killers Named & Shamed!"
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