Posted at 09:23 AM | Permalink
Havsbrun (Bakkafrost) caught illegally importing fish feed to Scotland?
— Don Staniford (@TheGAAIA) June 17, 2024
Something fishy is going on down at Fairlie Quay where hundreds of tonnes of feed bags from the Faroe Islands have been stored – and potentially impounded – whilst @falkirkcouncil complete sampling @UKBorder
Something fishy is going on down at Fairlie Quay marina in Ayrshire where hundreds of tonnes of feed bags from the Faroe Islands have been stored – and potentially impounded – whilst Falkirk Council complete sampling.
“The Faroe Islands is the blood salmon capital of the world,” said Don Staniford, Director of $camon $cotland who recently visited the Faroes on a mission with Neptune’s Pirates UK. “Importing fish feed from the Faroes to fuel the expansion of ‘Scottish’ salmon farming is unethical and unsustainable. If Bakkafrost’s imports of Havsbrun fish feed are not illegal or unsafe then they are certainly immoral. Scottish Ministers must come clean to the electorate that a vote for the SNP supports the deadly Faroese/Norwegian-owned $almafia.”
“Last month I visited the Faroe Islands and was horrified at the presence of Russian supertrawlers side by side with huge fishing ships from Africa,” continued Staniford. “Salmon farming is stealing precious protein out of the mouths of marine wildlife as well as starving people all around the world. Bakkafrost’s ‘Greed of Feed’ must be stopped dead in its tracks before millions more RSPCA Assured Scottish salmon suffer unnecessarily and die horrific deaths inside diseased feedlots. Consumers buying Bakkafrost’s ‘Scottish’ salmon have blood on their hands.”
Read more via a press release and backgrounder online here
Why did Falkirk Council sample Bakkafrost's Havsbrun fish feed from the Faroes? Was it imported illegally into Scotland? @falkirkcouncil @UKBorder @ScotGovMarine @APHAgovuk @ScotlandSalmon @FairlieMarina
— Don Staniford (@TheGAAIA) June 17, 2024
Read more via
The Greed of Feed: video footage of a tanker from the Faroe Islands unloading fish feed into a salmon farm in Loch Fyne. Is Bakkafrost (via their subsidiary Havsbrun) illegally importing feed? @UKBorder @falkirkcouncil @ScotGovMarine @APHAgovuk @North_Ayrshire @FairlieMarina
— Don Staniford (@TheGAAIA) June 20, 2024
More background on Bakkafrost via:
Bakkafrost SLAPPs back in Dunoon Sheriff Court on 18 June!
Deja Vu: Bakkafrost Hit By Deadly Infectious Salmon Anaemia in the Faroes
The 'Kayak Vigilante' On Tour in the Faroes!
"Bakkafrost Scotland heading back to court to seek ban on activist" (Fish Farming Expert)
Here's a wee reminder why Norwegian/Faroese giant Bakkafrost don't want the public snooping around - unlike salmon farmers, the camera never lies!
— Don Staniford (@TheGAAIA) June 13, 2024
The Greed of Feed: please stop Norwegian/Faroese giant Bakkafrost illegally & unethically importing fish feed from the Faroes to Scotland - beware of Blood Salmon! @Tinganes @ScotlandSalmon @feedbackorg @NeptunesPirates @DeSmogUK @ClydePorpoise @falkirkcouncil @UKBorder #Faroes
— Don Staniford (@TheGAAIA) October 25, 2024
Questions for @falkirkcouncil, @HighlandCouncil & @North_Ayrshire: has testing of fish feed imported by Bakkafrost (Havsbrun) from the Faroes found the presence of whale, dolphins or seals? Have cancer-causing chemicals been detected in the fish feed? #BloodSalmon @Tinganes
— Don Staniford (@TheGAAIA) January 7, 2025
The camera never lies, unlike the $almafia!
— Don Staniford (@TheGAAIA) January 23, 2025
Here's footage of what's believed to be illegally imported fish feed from the Faroes into @FairlieMarina @North_Ayrshire @falkirkcouncil @UKBorder @APHAgovuk @FSScot @NeptunesPirates @ClydePorpoise
Read more via
Posted at 08:50 AM | Permalink
Next week in Dunoon Sheriff Court: Norwegian/Faroese giant Bakkafrost SLAPPs back vs Don Staniford @SCTScourtstribs @shepwedd
— Don Staniford (@TheGAAIA) June 13, 2024
Scottish Courts and Tribunals reported (12 June 2024):
In view of thewelfare nightmare that is Bakkafrost, it is nor surprising that they are desperately trying to stop the public seeing the inside of their cages:
Here's a wee reminder why Norwegian/Faroese giant Bakkafrost don't want the public snooping around - unlike salmon farmers, the camera never lies!
— Don Staniford (@TheGAAIA) June 13, 2024
Read more via:
Deja Vu: Bakkafrost Hit By Deadly Infectious Salmon Anaemia in the Faroes
The 'Kayak Vigilante' On Tour in the Faroes!
"Bakkafrost Scotland heading back to court to seek ban on activist" (Fish Farming Expert)
Slapback vs the $almafia: Scottish Anti-SLAPP Summit in Glasgow
"Mowi gives ground over ban on activist" (Fish Farming Expert)
Mowi vs Staniford Heads to the Sheriff Appeal Court in Edinburgh!
Mowi Appeal Hearing Set for 1 February 2024!
SLAPP Attack: Bakkafrost's Chilling Writ Attempts to Shut Down Surveillance!
GEO Podcast: "When Staniford is on the move, salmon farmers' alarm bells are ringing"
The Herald's Vicky Allan: "David vs three Goliaths"
Norway's E24 reporting on 'Zombie' Bakkafrost's SLAPP!
Scottish Anti-SLAPP Summit in Glasgow in February 2024 - spotlight on the $almafia!
Most Read: "Anti-salmon farm activist suffers new legal blow"
"Bakkafrost goes after anti-salmon farming activist in new legal case" (Intrafish)
'Zombie' Bakkafrost SLAPPs Back vs Horror Videos!
Fighting Back Vs the $almafia's $LAPPs (in the spirit of David slaying Goliath)!
Anti-SLAPP conference in London - fighting back vs the $almafia!
‘End Salmon Farming’ Tour Kicks Off Despite Legal Threats by Norwegian $almafia!
Mail On Sunday: "Salmon activist who's been banned from going within 50ft of dozens of fish farms"
The Times: "Kayak vigilante goes undercover to expose salmon farming ‘horror’"
Private Eye on Mowi's SLAPP in the face of public access/interest!
Oban Times: "Fish farming giant denies it wants to gag activist"
"Mowi Scotland denies it wants to ‘gag’ activist" (Fish Farmer)
SLAPPed by Norwegian Giant Mowi!
"Mowi court battle with notorious salmon farming opponent gets underway in Scotland" (Intrafish)
The Oban Times: "Mowi takes anti-salmon farming campaigner to court"
Pyrrhic Victory or Legal Loss - Mowi's 'asymmetric war' is doomed to failure!
Censored: Trade Press Ignore 'Droit de Response' (Right of Reply) - until politely asked to do so!
"The People Are Disgusted With Mowi's Legal Action Against Don Staniford - Stop Buying Mowi Salmon!"
Mowi Actively Courts Trade Press Backlash Vs 'Irrational' & 'Fanatical' Activist!
STV News: "Salmon farm firm takes legal action against animal welfare campaigner"
Press statement on lawsuit vs Mowi
Mowi press release: "Court order sought to protect health and safety"
"Salmon producer Bakkafrost Scotland is to resume its bid for a court order that would ban anti-salmon farming campaigner Don Staniford from its fish farms and other facilities" @salmonfarming1 @NFdep @ScotlandSalmon
— Don Staniford (@TheGAAIA) May 20, 2024
Posted at 09:43 AM | Permalink
GAGGED: Faroese Government refuse to disclose information on Bakkafrost's $10 million fine for welfare violations & pass buck onto @FaroesePolice
— Don Staniford (@TheGAAIA) May 30, 2024
Why such secrecy? @Tinganes @Statsmin @kfriis @informeren @tweet_kvf @faroesenews @euidanmark @nordenen @FaroePodcast @denmarkdotdk
The Faroese Food & Veterinary Authority is refusing to disclose information on Bakkafrost's $10 million fine for welfare violations - passing the buck onto the Faroese Police.
Here's my Freedom of Information request to the Faroese Food & Veterinary Authority dated 16 May 2024:
Here is the FOI non-reply from the Faroese Food & Veterinary Authority which is complete nonsense and refers the matter to the Faroese Police:
When pressed to disclose damning documents, the legal adviser of the Faroese Food & Veterinary Authority suggested an in person meeting:
From: Jens Dam <[email protected]>
Date: Tue, May 28, 2024 at 5:32 PM
Subject: Aftursvar til Don Saniford 24/00715-9
To: Don Staniford <[email protected]>
Dear Don,
According to the articles it is necessary to give guidance. The thing is that your request is not specific enough to handle according to the articles in the law. It is suggested by you that there are multiple cases then you have to be more specific. The one specific case mentioned regarding a fine is a police case and therefore not a matter with the Faroese Food and Veterinary Authority.
Unfortunately we are not offering any meeting via electronic devices like “Zoom” or anything similar for the matter.
You are welcome to take a meeting on this some other time as I can offer you a face to face meeting.
Best regards
Jens Dam
Legal adviser, Aquaculture Department
+298 556 400 | [email protected]
Faroese Food and Veterinary Authority
+298 556 400 | [email protected] |
I have since filed FOI requests with the Faroese Police and the Faroese Government as well as filing complaints to the Danish Government - and explained to the Faroese Food and Veterinary Authority:
Listen to a car crash of an interview with the head of the Faroese Food & Veterinary Authority as Bárður Enni denies knowledge of a $10 millon fine for salmon farming giant Bakkafrost. "I'm not aware of that - you must ask Bakkafrost....I don't know what you're talking about"
— Don Staniford (@TheGAAIA) May 30, 2024
Back in December 2021, the Faroese state broadcaster KVF reported (including video footage of Bárður Enni):
The Faroese state media report in December 2021 also included an email from the Prime Minister's chief of staff John Rajani who is described as a cousin of Bakkafrost's CEO Regin Jacobsen:
Faced with gagged government officials and the power of the Faroese $almafia who are working to keep Bakkafrost's welfare violations state secrets - as well as a language barrier - it is proving difficult to get to the bottom of Bakkafrost's welfare abuses. At least there is an English report published by Intrafish in December 2021:
Attempts to follow the story up with Faroese state media - and other media outlets in the Faroes - have been met with blocked emails and blank screens.
When I visited Bakkafrost's head office in Glyvrar on 17 May, CEO Regin Jacobsen refused to answer questions on Bakkafrost's $10 million fine for welfare violations - watch video footage online here
Video Exclusive: Bakkafrost's CEO blanks questions on a $10m fine for welfare violations & company policy on the grindadráp - then asks us to leave their head office in the Faroes. Please boycott blood salmon! @Tinganes @Faroes2EU @NFdep @tweet_kvf @faroesenews @NeptunesPirates
— Don Staniford (@TheGAAIA) May 31, 2024
Meanwhile, the search for answers and damning documents on Bakkafrost goes on!
Do you have any information on Bakkafrost's $10 million fine for welfare abuse in their salmon farming operations in the Faroe Islands? @FaroesinLondon @tweet_kvf
— Don Staniford (@TheGAAIA) May 30, 2024
Did you discuss welfare abuse inside salmon farms in the Faroe Islands?
— Don Staniford (@TheGAAIA) May 30, 2024
How can @EU_Commission trade with the Faroe Islands when it supports the slaughter of whales & dolphins via the grindadráp & hides welfare abuse on salmon farms? Watch 'Blood Salmon' via
— Don Staniford (@TheGAAIA) May 30, 2024
Posted at 08:22 PM | Permalink
"The Faroe Islands are particularly sensitive to issues concerning Infectious Salmon Anaemia after an epidemic nearly wiped out the entire salmon-farming industry in the early 2000s" @SeafoodSource @Tinganes @faroecoin @VisitFaroe @Visit_Faroe #Faroes
— Don Staniford (@TheGAAIA) May 29, 2024
Intrafish reported (27 May 2024):
Bakkafrost's shares fell due to the deadly news as investors remembered the financial bloodbath following the ISA outbreaks in the Faroes in 2008 and 2017:
Bakkafrost shares slide as ISA virus hit farming site @tradingview @Reuters #Bakkafrost @NFdep @Tinganes @faroesenews @faroecoin @FaroesinLondon
— Don Staniford (@TheGAAIA) May 27, 2024
Seafood Source reported (28 May 2024):
Fish Farming Expert reported (27 May 2024):
ISA is rearing its ugly head once again in the Faroes. Intrafish reported in 2000:
Seafood Source reported in 2016:
Fish Farming Expert reported in 2017:
The economic and political importance of salmon farming in the Faroe Islands cannot be overstated. Bakkafrost, the largest salmon farming company in the Faroes, accounts for "around 50 percent of the nation's total exports" and counts the Faroese Prime Minister as a former employee (Bakkafrost's lawyer is also a former Member of Parliament and the Faroese Government's chief of staff is a cousin of Bakkafrost's CEO).
PM Johannesen and PM Kielsen @hiddenfjord. Closer relations.#greenland #faroeislands
— The Government of the Faroe Islands 🇫🇴 (@Tinganes) March 17, 2016
"Faroese salmon has a very good reputation, so we welcome the fact that the Faroe Islands is tied to our brand" claims Hiddenfjord @SeafoodSource
— Don Staniford (@TheGAAIA) May 30, 2024
Are you sure that Faroese salmon "has a very good reputation"? @USAmbDenmark @Tinganes @FaroesinLondon
Read more via:
VIDEO EXCLUSIVE: 'Operation Blood Salmon' launched in the Faroe Islands @NeptunesPirates
— Don Staniford (@TheGAAIA) May 29, 2024
Please boycott Faroese seafood! @Harrods @Tinganes @FaroesinLondon @Faroes2EU @faroesenews @faroecoin @VisitFaroe @tweet_kvf @Faroes2I
Posted at 07:51 AM | Permalink
Find out more online here
"We didn't expect to find the salmon industry in such appalling conditions, nor to encounter a tightly-knit salmon mafia," said Neptune's Pirates UK. "We have discovered multiple compelling reasons to boycott Faroese salmon farming with hard facts, evidence, and undercover confrontations. Stay tuned for exclusive revelations coming soon."
"Operation Blood Salmon lifts the lid on the horrific nature of fish farming in the Faroe Islands," said Don Staniford, Director of the Real Salmon Farming Resistance. "Mass mortalities, welfare abuse, infectious diseases and microjellies are plaguing salmon farms in the Faroes - not to mention the barbaric slaughter of whales and dolphins via the grindadráp. Consumers have blood on their hands if they buy Faroese seafood."
VIDEO EXCLUSIVE: 'Operation Blood Salmon' launched in the Faroe Islands @NeptunesPirates
— Don Staniford (@TheGAAIA) May 29, 2024
Please boycott Faroese seafood! @Harrods @Tinganes @FaroesinLondon @Faroes2EU @faroesenews @faroecoin @VisitFaroe @tweet_kvf @Faroes2I
Read more via:
Posted at 11:13 AM | Permalink
Kayaking on location in the Faroe Islands
— Don Staniford (@TheGAAIA) May 28, 2024
Read more via:
The Times: "Kayak vigilante goes undercover to expose salmon farming ‘horror’"
GEO Magazine: "Here Comes Trouble"
This is Don Staniford. He has been fighting the billion-dollar salmon industry for 20 years. For him and other environmentalists the round nets are factory farming underwater, with similar problems as on land: too many animals in too little space and chemicals and germs (1/4)
— Verena Müller (@Ver_Mue) September 22, 2023
"Here Comes Trouble" says the headline in GEO magazine! @geomagazin
— Don Staniford (@TheGAAIA) September 25, 2020
Leaked Video: drone footage shows the 'Kayak Vigilante' paddling alongside a salmon farm in Scotland & then boarding a cage. This reckless activity @scotseafarms is endangering the health & safety of workers & the welfare of millions of farmed fish @ScotlandSalmon #Bollocks
— Don Staniford (@TheGAAIA) May 13, 2024
Posted at 11:42 AM | Permalink
"Salmon producer Bakkafrost Scotland is to resume its bid for a court order that would ban anti-salmon farming campaigner Don Staniford from its fish farms and other facilities" @salmonfarming1 @NFdep @ScotlandSalmon
— Don Staniford (@TheGAAIA) May 20, 2024
Fish Farming Expert reported (20 May 2024):
Radio Del Mar in Chile reported (23 May 2024):
"Salmon farming has spread like malignant cancer on our shores. Cages plagued by diseases must be urgently removed to safeguard the health of the ecosystem," the activist said @radiodelmar @sernapesca @ECOCEANOS @GreenpeaceCL @SinSalmoneras @patagonia
— Don Staniford (@TheGAAIA) May 24, 2024
Read more via:
Slapback vs the $almafia: Scottish Anti-SLAPP Summit in Glasgow
"Mowi gives ground over ban on activist" (Fish Farming Expert)
Mowi vs Staniford Heads to the Sheriff Appeal Court in Edinburgh!
Mowi Appeal Hearing Set for 1 February 2024!
SLAPP Attack: Bakkafrost's Chilling Writ Attempts to Shut Down Surveillance!
GEO Podcast: "When Staniford is on the move, salmon farmers' alarm bells are ringing"
The Herald's Vicky Allan: "David vs three Goliaths"
Norway's E24 reporting on 'Zombie' Bakkafrost's SLAPP!
Scottish Anti-SLAPP Summit in Glasgow in February 2024 - spotlight on the $almafia!
Most Read: "Anti-salmon farm activist suffers new legal blow"
"Bakkafrost goes after anti-salmon farming activist in new legal case" (Intrafish)
'Zombie' Bakkafrost SLAPPs Back vs Horror Videos!
Fighting Back Vs the $almafia's $LAPPs (in the spirit of David slaying Goliath)!
Anti-SLAPP conference in London - fighting back vs the $almafia!
‘End Salmon Farming’ Tour Kicks Off Despite Legal Threats by Norwegian $almafia!
Mail On Sunday: "Salmon activist who's been banned from going within 50ft of dozens of fish farms"
The Times: "Kayak vigilante goes undercover to expose salmon farming ‘horror’"
Private Eye on Mowi's SLAPP in the face of public access/interest!
Oban Times: "Fish farming giant denies it wants to gag activist"
"Mowi Scotland denies it wants to ‘gag’ activist" (Fish Farmer)
SLAPPed by Norwegian Giant Mowi!
"Mowi court battle with notorious salmon farming opponent gets underway in Scotland" (Intrafish)
The Oban Times: "Mowi takes anti-salmon farming campaigner to court"
Pyrrhic Victory or Legal Loss - Mowi's 'asymmetric war' is doomed to failure!
Censored: Trade Press Ignore 'Droit de Response' (Right of Reply) - until politely asked to do so!
"The People Are Disgusted With Mowi's Legal Action Against Don Staniford - Stop Buying Mowi Salmon!"
Mowi Actively Courts Trade Press Backlash Vs 'Irrational' & 'Fanatical' Activist!
STV News: "Salmon farm firm takes legal action against animal welfare campaigner"
Press statement on lawsuit vs Mowi
Mowi press release: "Court order sought to protect health and safety"
'It's 5:30 in the morning on the Isle of Ulva...'@vicky_allan follows activists as she investigates Scotland's unfolding salmon mortality problem
— The Herald (@heraldscotland) August 29, 2023
Posted at 05:04 PM | Permalink
Bakkafrost has blood on its hands - please boycott bloody salmon from the Faroe Islands! @Tinganes
— Don Staniford (@TheGAAIA) May 20, 2024
Read more via:
The Faroe Islands - located in the bloody waters between the Shetland Islands and Iceland and home to the barbaric grindadráp - is a truly stunning place to visit.
My field trip to the home of salmon farming giants Bakkafrost and Hiddenfjord (Norwegian behemoth Mowi also operates here) will be something I will never forget as the stench of death and welfare abuse is already ingrained in my brain and on the inside of my nostrils (the smell of dead fish is everywhere).
On location in the Faroe Islands - the early activist gets the salmon farmer!
— Don Staniford (@TheGAAIA) May 19, 2024
On Friday (17 May) I had my first ride in a policevan after being arrested - and later released without charge - following a visit to Bakkafrost's subsidiary Forka in the Faroese capital Torshavn.
Earlier on my birthday - Norway's National Day - I visited the head office of Bakkafrost whose largest shareholder is the Norwegian Government (as represented by Folketrygdfondet). After signing into reception at Bakkafrost's plush head office in Glyvrar to meet with CEO Regin Jacobsen he quickly told me to leave and refused to answer questions about Bakkafrost's $10 million fine for welfare abuse.
The previous day (16 May), I visited the Faroese Food & Veterinary Authority to ask for more details on welfare abuse by Bakkafrost (Bárð Enni - the head of the Faroese Food & Veterinary Authority refused to answer questions about Bakkafrost's $10 million fine).
Intrafish reported in December 2021:
KVF - the Faroese state broadcaster - reported in December 2021:
Faroes TV reports on a heavy fine for Bakkafrost - owner of The 'Scottish' Salmon Company @salmon_scottish & whose largest shareholder is the Norwegian Government @Folketrygdfond @NFdep @fiskeridir @Tinganes @faroesenews @faroe_islands @Faroes2EU
— Don Staniford (@TheGAAIA) December 7, 2021
On Saturday (18 May) I visited KVF hoping to speak to the journalists who wrote the story above but nobody was working (there is currently a strike in the Faroes).
On the trail of Bakkafrost & the $almafia in the Faroe Islands! @tweet_kvf @Tinganes @Faroes2EU @faroesenews @FaroesinLondon @dontvisitfaroe @VisitFaroe @TheFaroeIslands @NorwayMFA @NFdep #Bakkafrost #Salmafia #Faroes
— Don Staniford (@TheGAAIA) May 19, 2024
The Faroese Police - used to dealing with sheep lying down on the road and drunken fishermen lying down outside the Torsholl pub in the capital Torshavn - were not on strike and were called out to a 'crime scene' near Bakkafrost's head office in Glyvrar on Friday (17 May).
Later on Friday afternoon (several hours after my brief handshake and non meeting with Bakkafrost's CEO Regin Jacobsen), Bakkafrost's lawyers in Scotland rebooted legal action seeking a permanent ban on filming inside salmon farms - including a ban on drones and an exclusion zone of 15 metres around all their salmon farms. Here is a birthday email from Bakkafrost's trigger-happy lawyers Shepherd and Wedderburn:
From: "Leishman, Ruairidh" <[email protected]>
Date: 17 May 2024 at 15:01:25 GMT+1
Subject: Bakkafrost v Don Staniford - DNN-A29-23 - Motion for the Pursuer [SWLLP-LEGALDIV.FID4888692]
Dear Sirs,
Bakkafrost Scotland Limited v Don Staniford
Court Ref: DNN-A29-23
Motion for the Pursuer
We refer to the above and attach, by way of intimation, the Pursuer’s Form G6 – Motion and Form G7 – Form of Intimation of Motion.
Yours faithfully,
Ruairidh Leishman
Associate, Commercial Disputes and Regulation
Shepherd and Wedderburn LLP
T: +44 (0)131 473 5180
M: +44 (0)7894 480 865
F: +44 (0)131 228 1222
Bakkafrost's 'Motion for the Pursuer' dated 17 May 2024 includes:
Bakkafrost's 'Form of Intimation of Motion' dated 17 May 2024 included:
Watch this space for further updates from my exciting trip to the Faroe Islands!!!
Undercover in Sørvágsfjørður in the Faroes Islands - is anyone from @hiddenfjord willing to blow the whistle on salmon farming? @chevytomylevi @Tinganes @VisitFaroe @Faroes @faroesenews
— Don Staniford (@TheGAAIA) May 19, 2024
Does Hiddenfjord support the grindadráp? Does Hiddenfjord use fish from Russian trawlers?
Read more via:
Slapback vs the $almafia: Scottish Anti-SLAPP Summit in Glasgow
"Mowi gives ground over ban on activist" (Fish Farming Expert)
Mowi vs Staniford Heads to the Sheriff Appeal Court in Edinburgh!
Mowi Appeal Hearing Set for 1 February 2024!
SLAPP Attack: Bakkafrost's Chilling Writ Attempts to Shut Down Surveillance!
GEO Podcast: "When Staniford is on the move, salmon farmers' alarm bells are ringing"
The Herald's Vicky Allan: "David vs three Goliaths"
Norway's E24 reporting on 'Zombie' Bakkafrost's SLAPP!
Scottish Anti-SLAPP Summit in Glasgow in February 2024 - spotlight on the $almafia!
Most Read: "Anti-salmon farm activist suffers new legal blow"
"Bakkafrost goes after anti-salmon farming activist in new legal case" (Intrafish)
'Zombie' Bakkafrost SLAPPs Back vs Horror Videos!
Fighting Back Vs the $almafia's $LAPPs (in the spirit of David slaying Goliath)!
Anti-SLAPP conference in London - fighting back vs the $almafia!
‘End Salmon Farming’ Tour Kicks Off Despite Legal Threats by Norwegian $almafia!
Mail On Sunday: "Salmon activist who's been banned from going within 50ft of dozens of fish farms"
The Times: "Kayak vigilante goes undercover to expose salmon farming ‘horror’"
Private Eye on Mowi's SLAPP in the face of public access/interest!
Oban Times: "Fish farming giant denies it wants to gag activist"
"Mowi Scotland denies it wants to ‘gag’ activist" (Fish Farmer)
SLAPPed by Norwegian Giant Mowi!
"Mowi court battle with notorious salmon farming opponent gets underway in Scotland" (Intrafish)
The Oban Times: "Mowi takes anti-salmon farming campaigner to court"
Pyrrhic Victory or Legal Loss - Mowi's 'asymmetric war' is doomed to failure!
Censored: Trade Press Ignore 'Droit de Response' (Right of Reply) - until politely asked to do so!
"The People Are Disgusted With Mowi's Legal Action Against Don Staniford - Stop Buying Mowi Salmon!"
Mowi Actively Courts Trade Press Backlash Vs 'Irrational' & 'Fanatical' Activist!
STV News: "Salmon farm firm takes legal action against animal welfare campaigner"
Press statement on lawsuit vs Mowi
Mowi press release: "Court order sought to protect health and safety"
'It's 5:30 in the morning on the Isle of Ulva...'@vicky_allan follows activists as she investigates Scotland's unfolding salmon mortality problem
— The Herald (@heraldscotland) August 29, 2023
Posted at 06:38 AM | Permalink
Video Exclusive: Wester Ross Salmon should now be renamed Wester Gross Salmon! @WesterRossSalmo @MowiScotlandLtd @HighlandCouncil @FAO27Ltd @WheelerSeafood @BegumNadiya @ScotlandSalmon @hunter_cooking @highlandcookhse @ScotGovMarine
— Don Staniford (@TheGAAIA) May 7, 2024
"Mowi has flushed Wester Ross's 'hand reared' and 'artisanal' salmon down the toilet since they took over in 2022," said Don Staniford, Director of $camon $cotland. "The Norwegian giant greedily wanted to have their fish cake and eat it too. Installing automated feeding machines - and failing to update their marketing material or properly inform their distributors and customers - is a lesson in biting the hand and brand that feeds you. Wester Ross Salmon should now be renamed Wester Gross Salmon."
When you see RSPCA Assured Scottish salmon advertised in supermarkets as 'responsibly farmed' please remember that ALL Scottish salmon comes from factory feedlots like this one near Ullapool @WesterRossSalmo @MowiScotlandLtd @rspcaassured @RSPCA_official @ChrisGPackham @ciwf
— Don Staniford (@TheGAAIA) May 7, 2024
Read more via:
Posted at 08:35 AM | Permalink
Spanish TV reporter Esther Sanchez braves hordes of 'Zombie' salmon on her trip to Scotland to investigate the horrific truth about @rspcaassured Scottish salmon - watch online now with English subtitles via
— Don Staniford (@TheGAAIA) May 9, 2024
Telecinco's 'TardeAR' reported (6 May 2024):
Las terroríficas granjas marinas de Escocia con salmones "zombis" que alimentan a los españoles (Scotland's terrifying marine farms with "zombie" salmon that feed the Spanish) @telecincoes
— Don Staniford (@TheGAAIA) May 6, 2024
Spanish TV this evening exposed 'Zombie Salmon: From the Horror Farm to the Plate' @telecincoes
— Don Staniford (@TheGAAIA) May 6, 2024
Featuring @WesterRossSalmo @MowiScotlandLtd
Read more via a press release online here
Exclusive: secret filming exposes welfare abuse & automated feeding machines at @rspcaassured Wester Ross Salmon (Mowi) - falsely branded as 'hand reared' & 'artisinal' Scottish salmon @WesterRossSalmo @MowiScotlandLtd @WheelerSeafood @FAO27Ltd @HighlandCouncil @ScotlandSalmon
— Don Staniford (@TheGAAIA) May 7, 2024
On Tuesday (7 May 2024), Telecinco's TardeAR broadcast further news coverage on 'Zombie Salmon on Scottish Farms':
'Zombie Salmon Farms' reports @telecincoes in Spain - you don't need to understand Spanish to be shocked by the welfare abuse @rspcaassured salmon farms in Scotland @ScotlandSalmon @MowiScotlandLtd
— Don Staniford (@TheGAAIA) May 9, 2024
Por favor - boycott Scottish salmon!
Read more via:
Unlike Mowi, the camera never lies!
— Don Staniford (@TheGAAIA) May 1, 2024
Here's drone footage shot last night of automated feeding machines in use after working hours at Ardmair salmon farm @WesterRossSalmo @MowiScotlandLtd
Please stop the deceptive marketing of "hand reared" salmon! @WheelerSeafood @FAO27Ltd
Posted at 10:21 PM | Permalink
Unlike Mowi, the camera never lies!
— Don Staniford (@TheGAAIA) May 1, 2024
Here's drone footage shot last night of automated feeding machines in use after working hours at Ardmair salmon farm @WesterRossSalmo @MowiScotlandLtd
Please stop the deceptive marketing of "hand reared" salmon! @WheelerSeafood @FAO27Ltd
Video Exclusive: drone footage shows automated feeding machines in operation last night at "hand reared" @WesterRossSalmo's Ardmair fish farm
— Don Staniford (@TheGAAIA) May 1, 2024
When will @MowiScotlandLtd stop lying that they "don’t use unnatural management or artificial feeding regimes"?
Read more via:
Fish Fraud @FAO27Ltd: Please correct your false marketing claims that @WesterRossSalmo (Mowi) is "hand reared" without feeding machines or cameras @MowiScotlandLtd
— Don Staniford (@TheGAAIA) April 30, 2024
Trading Standards @HighlandCouncil must close the net on deception! @ScotlandSalmon #Mowi
Complaint filed vs @WheelerSeafood in the United States @FTC and via the International Consumer Protection and Enforcement Network @ICPEN_est1992 for deceptive marketing of 'hand reared' Scottish salmon @WesterRossSalmo @MowiScotlandLtd
— Don Staniford (@TheGAAIA) April 29, 2024
Please stop fish fraud! @HighlandCouncil
Complaints filed Vs Wester Ross ‘hand reared’ Scottish salmon - Mowi-owned Wester Ross accused of misleading marketing & false advertising! @MowiScotlandLtd @WesterRossSalmo @HighlandCouncil @ASA_UK @CMAgovUK @ScotlandSalmon @rspcaassured @friendofthesea @WheelerSeafood
— Don Staniford (@TheGAAIA) April 23, 2024
Lifting the Lid on Welfare Abuse at Wester Ross Salmon - shame on the R$PCA for raking in £700K per year to turn a blind eye to the suffering of millions of Scottish salmon @MowiScotlandLtd @WesterRossSalmo @RSPCA_official @rspcaassured @ChrisGPackham @RSPCAChris @RSPCA_PATeam
— Don Staniford (@TheGAAIA) May 2, 2024
Posted at 12:59 PM | Permalink
Fish Fraud @FAO27Ltd: Please correct your false marketing claims that @WesterRossSalmo (Mowi) is "hand reared" without feeding machines or cameras @MowiScotlandLtd
— Don Staniford (@TheGAAIA) April 30, 2024
Trading Standards @HighlandCouncil must close the net on deception! @ScotlandSalmon #Mowi
Please consider this a formal complaint against FAO27 Ltd for false advertising and misleading marketing of "entirely hand reared" Wester Ross Salmon (Mowi) via
The Sound of Mowi's Deception: listen to pellets rattling down plastic pipes pumping feed from an automated barge to Wester Ross Salmon's "hand reared" farm at Ardmair in Loch Kannaird near Ullapool @WesterRossSalmo @MowiScotlandLtd @WheelerSeafood @FAO27Ltd @HighlandCouncil
— Don Staniford (@TheGAAIA) April 29, 2024
Correction @FAO27Ltd: Wester Ross Salmon is "entirely hand reared" has changed to "mostly hand reared" following a deceptive marketing complaint filed with Trading Standards @HighlandCouncil
— Don Staniford (@TheGAAIA) May 1, 2024
Yet FAO27 still claim that @WesterRossSalmon "is an entirely hands-on operation"!
Definition of ‘artisanal’ (one of WRF/mowi favourite ‘branding’ words) - A product made in a ‘traditional or non-mechanised way’ Better change your marketing BS. @SlicedBreadPod @ASA_UK
— Ailsa McLellan (@AilsaMcL) May 1, 2024
Victory: @FAO27Ltd deletes false claim that @WesterRossSalmo is an "entirely hands-on operation" with "no machines or cameras" @MowiScotlandLtd following a Trading Standards complaint @HighlandCouncil
— Don Staniford (@TheGAAIA) May 2, 2024
Please stop greenwashing 'artisan' Scottish salmon!
Gotcha: Wester Ross Salmon's feed barge & automated feeding machines at "hand reared" Ardmair @MowiScotlandLtd @WesterRossSalmo
— Don Staniford (@TheGAAIA) April 29, 2024
Please correct deceptive marketing! @WheelerSeafood @FAO27Ltd @harborfish @belanddragon @Farm_Direct @Pinneysoforford @CataneseClassic @lustylobster
Lifting the Lid on Welfare Abuse at Wester Ross Salmon - shame on the R$PCA for raking in £700K per year to turn a blind eye to the suffering of millions of Scottish salmon @MowiScotlandLtd @WesterRossSalmo @RSPCA_official @rspcaassured @ChrisGPackham @RSPCAChris @RSPCA_PATeam
— Don Staniford (@TheGAAIA) May 2, 2024
'Taking Points' published by Wester Ross Salmon (bought by Norwegian giant Mowi in 2022) claim "this is an entirely hands-on operation" with "no machines or cameras". Yet automated feeding is used @WesterRossSalmo @MowiScotlandLtd
— Don Staniford (@TheGAAIA) May 3, 2024
Please stop the deception! @HighlandCouncil
Posted at 08:45 AM | Permalink
The Sound of Mowi's Deception: listen to pellets rattling down plastic pipes pumping feed from an automated barge to Wester Ross Salmon's "hand reared" farm at Ardmair in Loch Kannaird near Ullapool @WesterRossSalmo @MowiScotlandLtd @WheelerSeafood @FAO27Ltd @HighlandCouncil
— Don Staniford (@TheGAAIA) April 29, 2024
$camon $cotland has filed a deceptive marketing complaint against Wheeler Seafood - exclusive agent for Wester Ross Salmon in the United States - with the Federal Trade Commission and the International Consumer Protection and Enforcement Network (a partnership of more than 65 consumer protection agencies around the world):
Complaint filed vs @WheelerSeafood in the United States @FTC and via the International Consumer Protection and Enforcement Network @ICPEN_est1992 for deceptive marketing of 'hand reared' Scottish salmon @WesterRossSalmo @MowiScotlandLtd
— Don Staniford (@TheGAAIA) April 29, 2024
Please stop fish fraud! @HighlandCouncil
Read $camon $cotland's complaint dated 29 April 2024 in full online here
Gotcha: Wester Ross Salmon's feed barge & automated feeding machines at "hand reared" Ardmair @MowiScotlandLtd @WesterRossSalmo
— Don Staniford (@TheGAAIA) April 29, 2024
Please correct deceptive marketing! @WheelerSeafood @FAO27Ltd @harborfish @belanddragon @Farm_Direct @Pinneysoforford @CataneseClassic @lustylobster
"Wheeler Seafood is deceptively marketing Wester Ross Salmon as 'hand reared' and 'artisinal' even though Norwegian giant Mowi has installed automated feeding machines and cameras," said Don Staniford, Director of $camon $cotland. "Video footage shot at Ardmair salmon farm near Ullapool clearly shows a feed barge with plastic pipes automatically distributing feed at Wester Ross Salmon near Ullapool. Unlike Wheeler Seafood, Mowi and Wester Ross Salmon, the camera never lies. The FTC in the United States, International Consumer Protection and Enforcement Network and Trading Standards in the UK must all close the net on the false marketing of Scottish salmon and stamp out fish fraud around the world. The message to consumers is a simple one: please steer clear of all Scottish salmon, however much it is greenwashed."
UPDATE 8 May 2024:
Victory: deceiving marketing complaint @FTC @ICPEN_est1992 prompts changes @WheelerSeafood "Nurtured by hand, not machines" replaced by "Innovation" & "Non-mechanized" replaced by "Innovations" @WesterRossSalmo @MowiScotlandLtd
— Don Staniford (@TheGAAIA) May 9, 2024
Spot the difference!
Consumer Vigilantes need to step up the plate! Don't let @WesterRossSalmo @MowiScotlandLtd @WheelerSeafood @FAO27Ltd and other companies get away with shameless deception!
— Don Staniford (@TheGAAIA) May 9, 2024
When will @HighlandCouncil take action? @_KateForbes @Ianblackford_MP
Caught Lying!
— Don Staniford (@TheGAAIA) May 9, 2024
"Hand rearing means being hands-on in every detail & not ever relying on machines or cameras" claims the 'Sales Sheet' @WesterRossSalmo @MowiScotlandLtd
Please force @WheelerSeafood to correct their deceptive marketing @FTC @ICPEN_est1992
Read more via:
Complaints filed Vs Wester Ross ‘hand reared’ Scottish salmon - Mowi-owned Wester Ross accused of misleading marketing & false advertising! @MowiScotlandLtd @WesterRossSalmo @HighlandCouncil @ASA_UK @CMAgovUK @ScotlandSalmon @rspcaassured @friendofthesea @WheelerSeafood
— Don Staniford (@TheGAAIA) April 23, 2024
Helpful definition @WheelerSeafood: "Hand rearing means being hands-on in every details and not ever replying on machines or cameras" @WesterRossSalmo
— Don Staniford (@TheGAAIA) April 26, 2024
So why is @MowiScotlandLtd still peddling the myth that Wester Ross Salmon is "hand reared" when machines & cameras are used?
Wester Ross Salmon's "hand reared" farming is dead in the water: "The aim of the Corry development is to modernise the farm, replacing the current process of distributing feed by hand, to an automated feed barge" @WesterRossSalmo @MowiScotlandLtd @HighlandCouncil @WheelerSeafood
— Don Staniford (@TheGAAIA) April 29, 2024
Revealed: here's the skinny on "hand reared" Scottish salmon @WesterRossSalmo in Loch Broom
— Don Staniford (@TheGAAIA) April 29, 2024
No wonder lawyers @MowiScotlandLtd are desperate to ban 'Kayak Vigilantes' from lifting the lid on welfare abuse & mass mortalities @ScotlandSalmon @WheelerSeafood @FAO27Ltd #Mowi
---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Don Staniford <[email protected]>
Date: Wed, Apr 24, 2024 at 6:23 AM
Subject: Complaint vs Wester Ross "hand reared" Scottish salmon
To: <[email protected]>
Cc: <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>
Could Wheeler Seafood please correct and update their marketing and promotional materials in relation to Wester Ross Salmon?$camon $cotland filed a complaint yesterday with Trading Standards at Highland Council in Scotland with respect to the false advertising and deceptive marketing of "hand reared" by Wester Ross Salmon (taken over by Norwegian giant Mowi in June 2022):Wheeler Seafood makes similarly false claims. For example, an Instagram post in November 2023 showcases 'artisan' and 'hand reared' Wester Ross Salmon: A YouTube video posted by Wheeler Seafood also showcases the now false claims that Wester Ross Salmon hand rears their fish: Wheeler Seafood currently promotes Wester Ross Salmon with deceptive images of hand-reared fish - including the false claims that the product is "nurtured by hand, not by machines" and that "Wester Ross salmon are fed by hand three times a day" - via Photographic evidence detailing how Wester Ross Salmon now use a feeding machine and automated feeding systems at their Ardmair salmon farm (and have applied to Highland Council for a feed barge at Corry salmon farm) are detailed via:Wheeler Seafood is certainly not alone in falsely advertising Wester Ross Salmon as "hand reared" - more examples are detailed via:Complaint Vs. Wester Ross (Mowi) for Deceptive Advertising & Misleading Marketing of “Hand Reared” Scottish Salmon (23 April 2024)$camon $cotland understands that in the United States the Federal Trade Commission has powers to enforce laws on advertising and marketing including unfair and deceptive trade practices:The FTC has a mandate to protect consumers from fraud and deception: advertising/protecting- consumers In the case of Wester Ross Salmon - and the specific claim that the product is "hand reared" without machines - $camon $cotland believes that Wheeler Seafood is guilty of fraud and deception.Please therefore correct and update your website and promotional materials accordingly to reflect the current reality at Mowi-owned Wester Ross Salmon.In the hope that this matter can be resolved quickly, I have copied Wester Ross Salmon's marketing team and their owners Mowi into this email.Thanks,Don StanifordDirector, $camon $cotland
Posted at 07:22 AM | Permalink
Victory: The Fish Shop deletes "hand-rearing" claim about @WesterRossSalmo following deceptive marketing complaint @MowiScotlandLtd
— Don Staniford (@TheGAAIA) April 25, 2024
Here's the before & after webpage
Now to stop @Passion4fish from stocking Scottish salmon altogether! @ScotlandSalmon
Scottish salmon is not fit to feed your dog!
— Don Staniford (@TheGAAIA) April 26, 2024
Pet food supplier Canagan deletes "lovingly hand reared" from their website following our complaint @WesterRossSalmo @MowiScotlandLtd
Now it's time to drop 'sustainably & responsibly sourced' @CMAgovUK @ASA_UK
UPDATE (1 May 2024):
Victory: Bel & the Dragon (Fullers) has removed references to @WesterRossSalmon from their menus & websites
— Don Staniford (@TheGAAIA) May 1, 2024
"Oops, that page cannot be found" @belanddragon @Fullers
The Highland Cookhouse deletes Wester Ross Salmon from their list of suppliers including the claim that it is "all hand reared" @highlandcookhse
— Don Staniford (@TheGAAIA) May 2, 2024
Yet there is still a reference to a recipe @WesterRossSalmo @MowiScotlandLtd
Victory: @FAO27Ltd deletes false claim that @WesterRossSalmo is an "entirely hands-on operation" with "no machines or cameras" @MowiScotlandLtd following a Trading Standards complaint @HighlandCouncil
— Don Staniford (@TheGAAIA) May 2, 2024
Please stop greenwashing 'artisan' Scottish salmon!
Read more via: Complaint Vs. Wester Ross (Mowi) for Deceptive Advertising & Misleading Marketing of “Hand Reared” Scottish Salmon
Complaints filed Vs Wester Ross ‘hand reared’ Scottish salmon - Mowi-owned Wester Ross accused of misleading marketing & false advertising! @MowiScotlandLtd @WesterRossSalmo @HighlandCouncil @ASA_UK @CMAgovUK @ScotlandSalmon @rspcaassured @friendofthesea @WheelerSeafood
— Don Staniford (@TheGAAIA) April 23, 2024
Here's video of LEON food writer & chef 'London Jack' hand feeding salmon. "I don't know what I'm f*cking talking about," he admits "I'm just throwing pellets into the water"
— Don Staniford (@TheGAAIA) April 25, 2024
If Jack visited @WesterRossSalmo today he would find automated feeders - WTF!
Highlands & Islands Food & Drink Awards 2024 has launched for entries @hifooddrink @Rossnews
— Don Staniford (@TheGAAIA) April 25, 2024
The 'supply chain business award' is sponsored @WesterRossSalmo & 'primary producer' sponsored @ScotlandSalmon
What utter sh*t - you can't polish a turd but you can roll it in glitter!
Posted at 11:25 AM | Permalink
Complaints filed Vs Wester Ross ‘hand reared’ Scottish salmon - Mowi-owned Wester Ross accused of misleading marketing & false advertising! @MowiScotlandLtd @WesterRossSalmo @HighlandCouncil @ASA_UK @CMAgovUK @ScotlandSalmon @rspcaassured @friendofthesea @WheelerSeafood
— Don Staniford (@TheGAAIA) April 23, 2024
Download press release online here
'Taking Points' published by Wester Ross Salmon (bought by Norwegian giant Mowi in 2022) claim "this is an entirely hands-on operation" with "no machines or cameras". Yet automated feeding is used @WesterRossSalmo @MowiScotlandLtd
— Don Staniford (@TheGAAIA) May 3, 2024
Please stop the deception! @HighlandCouncil
Download complaint dossier online here
Here's photographic proof that Wester Ross "hand reared" Scottish salmon is dead in the water! @BegumNadiya @cherryhealey @ScotlandSalmon @WheelerSeafood @HighlandCouncil @FAO27Ltd @Pinneysoforford @harborfish @MowiScotlandLtd @WesterRossSalmo @BBCHighlands
— Don Staniford (@TheGAAIA) April 23, 2024
Helpful definition @WheelerSeafood: "Hand rearing means being hands-on in every details and not ever replying on machines or cameras" @WesterRossSalmo
— Don Staniford (@TheGAAIA) April 26, 2024
So why is @MowiScotlandLtd still peddling the myth that Wester Ross Salmon is "hand reared" when machines & cameras are used?
Exposed: "Nurtured by hand, not machines" claims @WesterRossSalmo in online marketing
— Don Staniford (@TheGAAIA) April 23, 2024
Then why is @MowiScotlandLtd now operating automated feeders at the 'artisinal' salmon farm promoted as 'hand reared'? @ScotlandSalmon
Trading Standards @HighlandCouncil must investigate!
Could @WheelerSeafood please correct & update the marketing of Wester Ross Salmon?
— Don Staniford (@TheGAAIA) April 24, 2024
Mowi has installed automated feeders - the claim @WesterRossSalmo that the fish are "nurtured by hand, not machines" is now false! @MowiScotlandLtd
A case for the @FTC
Scottish salmon @WesterRossSalmo "are hand reared, hand fed and slowly grown, favouring traditional and natural practices over modern, automated systems" claim @ScotlandSalmon
— Don Staniford (@TheGAAIA) April 24, 2024
Surely this is now misleading since @MowiScotlandLtd installed automated feeding? @HighlandCouncil
"Our fish are hand reared" claim @WesterRossSalmo "We don’t use unnatural management or artificial feeding regimes" @ScotlandSalmon
— Don Staniford (@TheGAAIA) April 24, 2024
Surely Trading Standards @HighlandCouncil should force Mowi to tell the truth? @MowiScotlandLtd
From: Don Staniford <[email protected]>
Date: Wed, Apr 24, 2024 at 1:04 PM
Subject: Complaint re. Mowi (Wester Ross) at Ardmair near Ullapool
To: <[email protected]>
Further to our phone conversation earlier this afternoon, please pass this complaint onto the relevant HSE investigation team in Scotland.
It has come to $camon $cotland's attention that there is a health and safety hazard caused by feed pipes piled on salmon cages at Ardmair (Isle Martin) at Wester Ross Salmon (Mowi) near Ullapool.
The site details with a grid reference and map are available via:
Here is an image from 15 April 2024 showing feed pipes and other plastic 'furniture' littering the cages and blocking the walkways throughout the farm:
This image shows what looks like a broken bracket (bottom left corner of the photo) failing to keep all the plastic pipes in place:
More photos are published via:
More background is published online via: Complaint Vs. Wester Ross (Mowi) for Deceptive Advertising & Misleading Marketing of “Hand Reared” Scottish Salmon
This complaint is similar to the one filed vs Mowi in 2019 by Animal Concern - see email below and detailed online via:
Video sparks HSE scrutiny of Mowi in Loch Linnhe
A spot check by the HSE of the Ardmair salmon farm would be much appreciated. As you know full well, Mowi has an appalling track record in terms of health and safety.
If you need any further information please do not hesitate to contact me.
Don Staniford
Director, $camon $cotland
Health & Safety complaint filed Vs. Mowi's 'hand reared' Wester Ross salmon farm at Ardmair near Ullapool@H_S_E @MowiScotlandLtd @WesterRossSalmo @ScotlandSalmon @HighlandCouncil
— Don Staniford (@TheGAAIA) April 24, 2024
This photo shows plastic feed pipes blocking the walkways with what appears to be a broken bracket
Could the Fabulous Fish Company please correct and update their marketing and promotional materials in relation to Wester Ross Salmon?
When celebrity chef Nadiya Hussain visited @WesterRossSalmo in 2019 with @BBCScotland she hand fed 'artisan' salmon. Fast forward to 2024 & new owner @MowiScotlandLtd has installed automated feeders but still claims the fish are "hand reared"!
— Don Staniford (@TheGAAIA) April 25, 2024
WTF?! @BegumNadiya @cherryhealey
Video Nasty: 'Hand reared', 'sustainable' & 'artisan' Wester Ross Salmon leaves you sick to the stomach!
— Don Staniford (@TheGAAIA) April 25, 2024
Shame on @RSPCA_official @rspcaassured @RSPCA_PATeam @ChrisGPackham @RSPCAChris @Emma_Slav @DavidBowles21 for greenwashing away welfare abuse @MowiScotlandLtd @WesterRossSalmo
Posted at 09:24 AM | Permalink
Italian TV lifts the lid on the welfare nightmare of factory farmed salmon @mimandaraitre @RaiTre @FedericoRuffo @CIWF_IT @SjomatNorge @e24
— Don Staniford (@TheGAAIA) April 13, 2024
Watch online via
Italian TV featured the welfare nightmare of salmon farming in a prime time show broadcast on Saturday April 2024:
Italian TV shines a light on factory farmed salmon @mimandaraitre @RaiTre @FedericoRuffo @CIWF_IT
— Don Staniford (@TheGAAIA) April 13, 2024
Watch in full via
Pinocchio should know - 'sustainable', 'organic' & 'responsible' salmon farming is a big lie!
— Don Staniford (@TheGAAIA) April 14, 2024
Posted at 09:22 PM | Permalink
Fish Fraud: Catch of the Day – Exposing Salmon Scams!
— Don Staniford (@TheGAAIA) April 10, 2024
Complaints filed vs @asda @LidlGB @marksandspencer @Tesco & @sainsburys with the @CMAgovUK for false green claims of "responsibly farmed" Scottish & Norwegian salmon @wirraltsd @DefraGovUK
Details via
As part of the ‘Catch of the Day: Exposing Salmon Scams’ campaign, shoppers in supermarkets and diners in restaurants are being asked to take photos and video evidence of salmon scammers.
Today (10 April), $camon $cotland submitted a complaint against supermarkets to the Competition and Markets Authority:
Read the complaint in full online here
More details are presented in a news release (10 April) online here
“Salmon farming is a welfare nightmare and environmental pariah,” said Don Staniford, Director of $camon $cotland. “So much so that even the world’s most prestigious stores don't want the public finding out the horrific truth about factory farmed salmon. It’s scandalous that Harrods, Selfridges and Fortnum & Mason have all been caught breaching labeling laws. If the world’s best retailers are illegally marketing salmon then the scale of the fish fraud must be off the charts. Trading Standards around the UK need to close the net on salmon scammers.”
Calling Consumer Vigilantes!
— Don Staniford (@TheGAAIA) April 10, 2024
Here's how we caught Fortnum & Mason's posh food hall scamming gullible tourists in London @Fortnums
If @London_T_S & @CMAgovUK don't police labelling laws on Scottish salmon then it's up to everyone to step up to the plate
John Robins of Ethical Promotions told The Ferret in October 2023:
“Salmon farmers in Scotland have long sought to mislead the public into thinking of their product as the same as wild salmon migrating back to Scottish rivers and lochs and leaping up waterfalls to reach their traditional spawning grounds. Such scenes have often been used to promote the product and mislead consumers. Because the public are becoming more aware of the many negative aspects of salmon farming the industry wants to distance itself from their own failings by dropping the word ‘farmed’ from the description of their product. Like the use of the phrase ‘responsibly sourced’ this is a calculated and deliberate attempt to confuse and mislead shoppers.”
The Times reported in October 2023:
“Abigail Penny, executive director of Animal Equality, which has filmed salmon in Scottish fish farms being eaten alive by lice, said the industry’s attempt to eliminate “farmed” from its PGI labelling was “deeply troubling”. “This move poses a serious risk of misleading consumers, jeopardising their ability to make truly informed choices,” she said. “The inescapable reality is that tens of millions of Atlantic salmon suffer at the hands of the Scottish farmed salmon industry every year. These naturally migratory animals are confined in cramped underwater cages that act as a hotbed for disease and lice outbreaks.”
Read more via:
Greenwashers Exposed: complaints filed vs "responsibly farmed" salmon sold in supermarkets
Trading Standards Complaint vs Supermarkets for Greenwashing Farmed Salmon as 'Responsible'
Media Backgrounder: The Pushback Vs Greenwashed Scottish Salmon
Morrisons Caught Advertising Farmed Salmon as 'Catch of the Day'!
Master Chef Caught Illegally Advertising Farmed Fish As Wild!
Caught: Fish Fraud at Fortnum & Mason in London!
World’s Best Busted: Harrods Caught in Salmon Scam
Telegraph: "Selfridges forced to remove misleading sustainable salmon claims"
Joanna Blythman in The Grocer: "We must take a stand against the sordid farmed salmon industry"
M&S Irresponsibly Sourced Scottish Salmon (as greenwashed by RSPCA Assured)!
Advertising Complaint Vs Sainsbury's "Responsibly Sourced" Scottish Salmon
Victory: The Pished Fish Sobers Up to False Claims Over "Sustainable" Scottish Salmon!
Scamon Alert: The Pished Fish Challenged Over "Sustainably Sourced" Scottish Salmon
Media Backgrounder: Irresponsibly Farmed Scottish Salmon
Hard Evidence Submitted with CMA & Trading Standards Complaint
Bullshit Called on M&S's "Responsibly Sourced" Scottish Salmon!
Gotcha: Mowi's "Responsibly Farmed" Scottish Salmon Caught in Advertising Standards Net!
Result - Applecross Smokehouse deletes "sustainable fisheries" claim following complaint!
Trading Standards Victory: "Our salmon is farm reared" admit Belhaven Smokehouse after complaint!
BBC News: "Rick Stein's shop changes description of smoked salmon after complaint"
Victory: Rick Stein Forced to Advertise Faroese Farmed Salmon After Trading Standards Investigation
Norwegian Government Asked to Divest from 'Unethical' & 'Irresponsible' Scottish Salmon!
Loch Duart drops "sustainable" claim after advertising ruling
Fishy Labelling: When @Morrisons inform shoppers that "we freshly prepare your fish in Grimsby and Cornwall" is the supermarket misleading customers? @CMAgovUK
— Don Staniford (@TheGAAIA) April 2, 2024
Put your reading glasses on & you discover the salmon in the fish display are "farmed in Scotland, Norway & Iceland"
Is all Asda fish really "responsibly sourced"? @asda
— Don Staniford (@TheGAAIA) April 1, 2024
Surely Norwegian farmed salmon is the definition of "irresponsible?" @Naturvern @SjomatNorge @NFdep @PerErikSchulze @NMF_tweet @seafoodnorway @NorwaySeafoodUS @UK_NSC @ReddVillaksen
Stop the Salmon Scammers - UK supermarkets fail to provide substantive evidence of “responsibly sourced” & “responsibly farmed” Scottish & Norwegian salmon. Aldi, Asda, Coop, Lidl, M&S, Morrisons, Sainsbury’s & Tesco are all guilty of fish fraud & false green claims @CMAgovUK
— Don Staniford (@TheGAAIA) April 3, 2024
Posted at 05:27 AM | Permalink
Greenwashers Exposed: complaints filed vs "responsibly farmed" salmon sold in supermarkets @asda @AldiUK @coopuk @LidlGB @marksandspencer @Morrisons @sainsburys @Tesco
— Don Staniford (@TheGAAIA) April 3, 2024
Please stop false marketing @wirraltsd @CMAgovUK
Salmon farming is irresponsible! @ScotlandSalmon
Read $camon $cotland's complaint in full online here
Stop the Salmon Scammers - UK supermarkets fail to provide substantive evidence of “responsibly sourced” & “responsibly farmed” Scottish & Norwegian salmon. Aldi, Asda, Coop, Lidl, M&S, Morrisons, Sainsbury’s & Tesco are all guilty of fish fraud & false green claims @CMAgovUK
— Don Staniford (@TheGAAIA) April 3, 2024
Read more via:
Morrisons Caught Advertising Farmed Salmon as 'Catch of the Day'!
Master Chef Caught Illegally Advertising Farmed Fish As Wild!
World’s Best Busted: Harrods Caught in Salmon Scam
Telegraph: "Selfridges forced to remove misleading sustainable salmon claims"
Joanna Blythman in The Grocer: "We must take a stand against the sordid farmed salmon industry"
M&S Irresponsibly Sourced Scottish Salmon (as greenwashed by RSPCA Assured)!
Advertising Complaint Vs Sainsbury's "Responsibly Sourced" Scottish Salmon
Victory: The Pished Fish Sobers Up to False Claims Over "Sustainable" Scottish Salmon!
Scamon Alert: The Pished Fish Challenged Over "Sustainably Sourced" Scottish Salmon
Media Backgrounder: Irresponsibly Farmed Scottish Salmon
Hard Evidence Submitted with CMA & Trading Standards Complaint
Bullshit Called on M&S's "Responsibly Sourced" Scottish Salmon!
Gotcha: Mowi's "Responsibly Farmed" Scottish Salmon Caught in Advertising Standards Net!
Result - Applecross Smokehouse deletes "sustainable fisheries" claim following complaint!
Trading Standards Victory: "Our salmon is farm reared" admit Belhaven Smokehouse after complaint!
BBC News: "Rick Stein's shop changes description of smoked salmon after complaint"
Victory: Rick Stein Forced to Advertise Faroese Farmed Salmon After Trading Standards Investigation
Norwegian Government Asked to Divest from 'Unethical' & 'Irresponsible' Scottish Salmon!
Loch Duart drops "sustainable" claim after advertising ruling
Don Staniford, the director of Scamon Scotland, told @MailOnline: "Salmon farming is a welfare nightmare and environmental pariah. 'The 'King of Fish' does not leap up waterfalls onto your dinner table - it's reared in cramped cages" @Harrods @Fortnums
— Don Staniford (@TheGAAIA) March 12, 2024
Calling all Consumer Vigilantes!
— Don Staniford (@TheGAAIA) April 3, 2024
The next time you're in a supermarket take a close look at the salmon on sale - please post photos of "responsibly farmed" & "responsibly sourced" green claims. We're compiling a dossier of fish fraud cases to file a complaint @CMAgovUK @foodgov
Posted at 07:20 AM | Permalink
CAUGHT @Morrisons: Supermarket caught falsely advertising farmed salmon on the side of their truck - how can factory farmed fish be truly branded as 'Catch of the Day'? @CMAgovUK @ASA_UK @wirraltsd #FishFraud #Deceptive @TheGrocer @JoannaBlythman
— Don Staniford (@TheGAAIA) April 1, 2024
Read more via:
Master Chef Caught Illegally Advertising Farmed Fish As Wild!
World’s Best Busted: Harrods Caught in Salmon Scam
Telegraph: "Selfridges forced to remove misleading sustainable salmon claims"
Joanna Blythman in The Grocer: "We must take a stand against the sordid farmed salmon industry"
M&S Irresponsibly Sourced Scottish Salmon (as greenwashed by RSPCA Assured)!
Advertising Complaint Vs Sainsbury's "Responsibly Sourced" Scottish Salmon
Victory: The Pished Fish Sobers Up to False Claims Over "Sustainable" Scottish Salmon!
Scamon Alert: The Pished Fish Challenged Over "Sustainably Sourced" Scottish Salmon
Media Backgrounder: Irresponsibly Farmed Scottish Salmon
Hard Evidence Submitted with CMA & Trading Standards Complaint
Bullshit Called on M&S's "Responsibly Sourced" Scottish Salmon!
Gotcha: Mowi's "Responsibly Farmed" Scottish Salmon Caught in Advertising Standards Net!
Result - Applecross Smokehouse deletes "sustainable fisheries" claim following complaint!
Trading Standards Victory: "Our salmon is farm reared" admit Belhaven Smokehouse after complaint!
BBC News: "Rick Stein's shop changes description of smoked salmon after complaint"
Victory: Rick Stein Forced to Advertise Faroese Farmed Salmon After Trading Standards Investigation
Norwegian Government Asked to Divest from 'Unethical' & 'Irresponsible' Scottish Salmon!
Loch Duart drops "sustainable" claim after advertising ruling
Don Staniford, the director of Scamon Scotland, told @MailOnline: "Salmon farming is a welfare nightmare and environmental pariah. 'The 'King of Fish' does not leap up waterfalls onto your dinner table - it's reared in cramped cages" @Harrods @Fortnums
— Don Staniford (@TheGAAIA) March 12, 2024
Posted at 10:35 AM | Permalink
Revealed: Mowi's Isle of Rum Expansion Plans - "all my fears have come true" says resident @isleofrum
— Don Staniford (@TheGAAIA) March 31, 2024
"Mowi will probably get their way again, bung a few thousand quid to the community to get most on side" @MowiScotlandLtd @ScotlandSalmon
Norwegian giant Mowi is gearing up for further expansion off the Isle of Rum.
Mowi's environmental team headed over to the Isle of Rum for a community presentation earlier this month:
[The 28-page Powerpoint presentation is available on request - please email [email protected]]
One local resident who asked to remain anonymous - the Isle of Rum has a population of only 40 - told $camon $cotland:
"The community meeting was split as usual for and against. Personally I have always been against the salmon farm here on Rum and I voted against it first time around but I was on the ‘losing’ side. However, all my fears have come true since then including mass mortalities and welfare issues. Salmon have died as a result of treatment losses and ‘weaker fish dying in poor weather conditions’ which doesn’t surprise me as there is no shelter in these exposed sites for fish to ‘shelter’ in like wild fish would possibly do. It seems to me Mowi will probably get their way again, bung a few thousand quid to the community to get most on side. I really don’t know how a vote will go this time around. It's very difficult living in a small community and putting a head above the parapet!"
Mowi's Rum salmon farm only started operating in 2018 but has already experienced huge mortality, disease and welfare problems. Scottish Salmon Watch reported in 2019:
Gruesome photos of welfare abuse and disease problems at Mowi's farm off the Isle of Rum (published online by the Scottish Government on 10 September 2019) blow out the water the company's claims that their salmon are "healthy"!
Earlier this month, the Scottish Environment Protection Agency revealed that Mowi's Rum feedlot was one of 62 salmon farms guilty of 'non-compliance':
REVEALED: 62 @rspcaassured salmon farms are non-compliant re. “breaches of authorisation conditions & violations” (disclosed @ScottishEPA via FOI). The non-compliance @ScotlandSalmon includes @MowiScotlandLtd @scotseafarms @CookeScotland @LochDuartSalmon @BetterBreeding & OSH
— Don Staniford (@TheGAAIA) March 27, 2024
Mowi's 'community presentation' on the Isle of Rum earlier this month was at pains to stress the financial benefits of disease-ridden salmon farming (to offset welfare abuse and environmental pollution):
The Sunday Herald revealed in 2012 that Mowi had offered islanders on nearby Colonsay "bribes" to set up a new salmon farm.
Mowi attempted - and it seems, failed - to expand off the neighbouring Isle of Canna. Geraldine MacKinnon, chair of the Canna Development Trust, told The Guardian in 2019 that the islanders were split over the proposal and have been in close contact with neighbours on Rum and Muck, where Mowi already has two fish farms. “People haven’t made up their minds either way,” she said. “It’s a massive decision, so people just want to take their time.”
A quick look at the Scottish Government's Fish Health Inspectorate 'Mortality Information' reveals that Mowi has reported 389,910 dead farmed salmon via 44 'Mortality Event Reports' since June 2019 at their Rum salmon farm:
Mowi's expansion plans off the Isle of Rum will inevitably double-down on mortalities and welfare abuse.
The question is: do residents on the Isle of Rum have the stomach for further expansion even if Mowi promises 6 new jobs, new houses and loadsamoney:
For any residents still sitting on the fence, Netflix's 'Seaspiracy' offers an insight into the real monster in the lochs of Scotland:
Skip Scottish salmon this Easter!
— Don Staniford (@TheGAAIA) March 27, 2024
Video footage featured in Netflix's @seaspiracy shows what @rspcaassured 'welfare friendly' & 'responsible' @ASC_aqua salmon farming means in practice.
Please boycott @MowiScotlandLtd salmon sold @sainsburys @Tesco @LidlGB @AldiUK @asda
Other video footage exposing the deadly menace of Mowi is worth watching before residents on the Isle of Rum pocket any 'bribes' on offer:
Video footage shot inside Mowi's @rspcaassured salmon farm on the Isle of Skye - the next time you see RSPCA Assured 'responsibly farmed' Scottish salmon in a supermarket please remember how this fish was tortured to death @RSPCA_official @MowiScotlandLtd [Images: Ecotricity]
— Don Staniford (@TheGAAIA) March 24, 2024
I will leave the final message for Mowi who ended their 'community presentation' on the Isle of Rum with this slide:
Posted at 09:42 AM | Permalink
Censored: @heraldscotland delete offending photo of 'Kayak Vigilante' filming inside a @MowiScotlandLtd salmon farm. Did the deletion occur @kacnutt after lobbying by the $almafia @ScotlandSalmon @TavishScott as happened with @BBCNews?
— Don Staniford (@TheGAAIA) March 28, 2024
Thanks to @GettyImages & @germanocean
Photo Bomb: the image used @heraldscotland to illustrate today's news story @ScotlandSalmon @TavishScott was branded 'illegal' by $almafia lobbyists when it was used @BBCNews. Thankfully @GettyImages & photographer @germanocean refused to delete it
— Don Staniford (@TheGAAIA) March 28, 2024
Read more via:
BBC delete 'illegal' photo after complaint by Norwegian Salmafia!
Scottish Salmon Hires New 'Head of Communications' to Combat Extreme Activism
Lobbyist for 'Scottish' Salmon Caught Telling Pack of Lies on BBC Scotland
Policing 'Scottish' Salmon - when is 'extreme activism' judged trespass?
Censored: Welfare Abuse on Salmon Farms
Sunday National/Ferret: "Salmon company Mowi rapped over fish welfare after 700,000 deaths"
Here's the story behind the story - detailing how a lobbyist at 'Scottish' Salmon persuaded the BBC to ditch a photo detailing secret filming at a salmon farm @BBCNews @BBCScotlandNews @GettyImages @SSPOsays @NatTylerDigital @germanocean @BBCDouglasF #BBC
— Don Staniford (@TheGAAIA) May 30, 2021
Posted at 10:18 AM | Permalink
REVEALED: 62 @rspcaassured salmon farms are non-compliant re. “breaches of authorisation conditions & violations” (disclosed @ScottishEPA via FOI). The non-compliance @ScotlandSalmon includes @MowiScotlandLtd @scotseafarms @CookeScotland @LochDuartSalmon @BetterBreeding & OSH
— Don Staniford (@TheGAAIA) March 27, 2024
Download the list in full online here
Read more via:
Biomass Breaches - when will SEPA revoke salmon farm licences?
SEPA Boss Quits - Scotland's Environmental Watchdog is Dead in the Water!
Greenwashing by Scottish Salmon - as sponsored by SEPA!
Fish farm pollution rules relaxed for Brexit
Fury as fish farm pesticide pollution rises 72% in a year
Under the Cloak of Coronavirus: SEPA open the floodgates to lobster-killing chemicals!
6 green rules that have been relaxed in response to Covid-19
The Ferret: "Environmental rules for salmon farming industry relaxed"
SEPA relax environmental controls during Coronavirus crisis
Shame on SEPA the Laggard not Leader (even the sloths at SSPO are quicker at publishing data)!
EXPOSED: Scottish Salmon's Cascading Use of Cancer-Causing Chemical
Salmon farming giant Mowi probed over chemical use
Leading fish farm watchdog joins fish farm industry
Fish farming industry bids to relax limits on toxic pesticide
All is Not Well With Sick Scottish Salmon
The Scottish Environment Pollution Agency
SEPA's Shame on Salmon Farming
Posted at 09:44 AM | Permalink
Fish Fraud Exposed: Master chef caught illegally advertising Scottish 'caught' steelhead seatrout - in fact it's factory farmed @KamesFishFarm not wild!
— Don Staniford (@TheGAAIA) March 25, 2024
Will @chefandyspence be issuing a public apology?@BoarsHeadFife @AAHospitality @MichelinGuideUK @FSScot @ASA_UK @CMAgovUK
Last week (21 March 2024), I asked Chef Andy Spence of the Boar's Head where the Scottish 'caught' steelhead seatrout was caught by a fisherman:
Chef Spence - re. your claim on Intragram this week that the Scottish steelhead seatrout is "caught"
— Don Staniford (@TheGAAIA) March 21, 2024
Where was this wild fish product caught by a fisherman?
Apparently asking master chefs questions of where they source food is not very nice!
Chef Spence - false labelling, marketing & advertising of farmed fish as wild 'caught' is fraud & illegal! If the Scottish steelhead seatrout you describe as "caught" is actually farmed @KamesFishFarm then you should do the right thing & correct it immediately @FSScot…
— Don Staniford (@TheGAAIA) March 21, 2024
"I am the cook pal.....take it up with the supplier and don't make my life harder then it needs to be," he replied:
Iam the cook pal.....take it up with the supplier and don't make my life harder then it needs to be.......
— Andrew Spence (@chefandyspence) March 21, 2024
Master Chef Andy Spence immediately blocked me from his Instagram page:
Here is his original - and illegal - Instagram post (as it was seen on 20 March 2024) claiming the Scottish steelhead seatrout was caught:
In close up:
After the issue of illegality was raised on 21 March 2024, master chef Andy Spence deleted reference to caught:
Here is an email I sent master chef Andy Spence:
Here's why it's vital that marketing & advertising laws are enforced - there is a world of difference between wild 'caught' & farmed fish. When @chefandyspence @BoarsHeadFife falsely - and illegally - showcased Scottish 'caught' steelhead seatrout he was guilty of fish fraud
— Don Staniford (@TheGAAIA) March 25, 2024
When I asked you polite questions on Instagram a few weeks ago you blocked me! Thanks for deleting your false claim that Scottish steelhead seatrout was wild 'caught'. Which @kamesfishfarm does your steelhead seatrout come from? This one at Shuna Castle?
— Don Staniford (@TheGAAIA) March 30, 2024
'Caught' clearly means wild fish not farmed. Fish must be labelled with the following: production method (caught at sea, caught in fresh water, farmed or cultivated)
— Don Staniford (@TheGAAIA) March 30, 2024
Posted at 08:34 AM | Permalink
"Infectious fish disease detected at RSPCA-approved salmon farm" reported @TheScotsman yesterday. "Infectious salmon anaemia (ISA) was found among the fish population at Loch Duart’s Lochmaddy salmon farm, an RSPCA-approved site" @LochDuartSalmon #ISA
— Don Staniford (@TheGAAIA) March 21, 2024
The Scotsman reported (20 March 2024):
The Scotsman: "Infectious salmon anaemia was found among the fish population at Loch Duart’s Lochmaddy salmon farm....The disease was first reported in Norway in 1984, but has since been reported in Canada, USA, Faroe Islands, Ireland & Scotland"
— Don Staniford (@TheGAAIA) March 22, 2024
The Stornoway Gazette reported (21 March 2024):
Tavish Scott @Sygazette: "One of the most active campaigners has been described by court judges as ‘akin to a zealot’ and is now subject to a court order banning him from setting foot on dozens of salmon farms, with potentially more farm bans to follow"
— Don Staniford (@TheGAAIA) March 22, 2024
Salmon Business reported (19 March 2024):
‘Malicious & inflammatory’: Producer slams claims of ISA infection at Scottish farm @Salmon_Business
— Don Staniford (@TheGAAIA) March 20, 2024
Documents @scotgov circulated by prominent anti salmon activists show a single fish tested positive for ISA @LochDuartSalmon's Lochmaddy site #LochDuart
The Scottish Government's Fish Health Inspectorate slipped out 'Case Information' on Loch Duart's Lochmaddy salmon farm last month including:
Breaking News: Infectious Salmon Anaemia reported by @ScotGovMarine at Loch Duart's @rspcaassured Lochmaddy salmon farm @LochDuartSalmon
— Don Staniford (@TheGAAIA) March 19, 2024
"One fish tested positive for infectious salmon anaemia virus (ISAV) by qPCR" @scotgov @ScotlandSalmon @TavishScott
Read more via:
Infectious Salmon Anaemia Reported at RSPCA Assured Bakkafrost in Scotland
Bakkafrost is dead in the warming waters of Scotland!
Foreign Egg Imports Flooding Scotland = Game Ova for ‘Scottish’ Salmon!
Letter to Scottish Ministers: Please Close the Border to Imports of Salmon Ova, Parr & Smolts!
Iceland Still Importing Ova to 'Scottish' Salmon Farms Despite Disease Risks
Escape at ISA-Hit Laxar - why is 'Scottish' Salmon Still Importing Millions of Ova from Iceland?
Imported ova "are all tested for a plethora of diseases" claims Hendrix/Landcatch
Front Page Splash on ISA at Landcatch in the Argyllshire Advertiser!
Iceland Slaughters ISA-Infected Salmon - is Scotland next in the firing line?
Letter to Scottish Ministers calling for a ban on ova imports from Iceland
Revealed: Infectious Salmon Anaemia Lurking in Scottish Salmon
Press Statement: Ban All Ova Imports to Protect 'Scottish' Salmon!
ISA in Iceland - will Scotland ban ova imports to prevent disease risks as with Norway?
Mowi fined for breaching ISA laws in Norway - is ISA lurking at Mowi salmon farms in Scotland?
Top story on Intrafish reports on ISA at Scottish Sea Farms!
Salmon Farming is Like the Black Death Plague!
Mowi's Mortality Nigthmare - Farmed Salmon is Dead in the Water!
Breaking News: ISA reported at RSPCA Assured Scottish Sea Farms on the Isle of Mull
Damning Disease Report for RSPCA Assured Scottish Sea Farms in Loch Spelve
Letter to Scottish Ministers re. ISA in Scottish Salmon
Media Backgrounder: Scottish Salmon’s Recurring ISA Nightmare
Media Backgrounder: Norway’s Infectious Salmon Aquacalypse – Going Global Since 1984!
Norway's Infectious Salmon "Horror Show" Secretly Playing Now In Scotland?
Norwegian Salmon Egg Exports Banned Due to Disease Risks
Mail On Sunday: "90% of Scottish salmon 'ISN'T' from Scotland' - 66m eggs from abroad"
Salmon Eggsclusive: Scotland's 'King of Fish' is Now Viking Not Scottish!
The Ferret: "Deadly virus outbreak prompted fears over import of fish farm eggs to Scotland"
Game Ova for Scottish Salmon - Deadly disease delays egg imports from AquaGen in Norway
Concerns raised over Scottish salmon roe imports
Government 'failing to protect Scottish salmon'
BREAKING NEWS: Infectious Salmon Anaemia reported @rspcaassured Bakkafrost Scotland in Loch Striven! @ScotlandSalmon @TavishScott @ScotGovMarine #ISA
— Don Staniford (@TheGAAIA) February 20, 2024
Full story via #Bakkafrost
“The Scottish Government should immediately ban imports of salmon ova to stop the spread of deadly diseases & infectious viruses” said Don Staniford, Director of Scamon $cotland @WeAreBenchmark @scotgov @MowiScotlandLtd @CookeScotland @BetterBreeding @ScotlandSalmon @TavishScott
— Don Staniford (@TheGAAIA) February 19, 2024
Posted at 09:29 AM | Permalink
Fish Farming Expert reported (14 March 2024):
Staniford told Fish Farming Expert: “I will be reviewing the judgment with my legal team - including any options for an appeal - and will respond in due course.” @salmonfarming1 @MowiScotlandLtd @AbdnConsidine
— Don Staniford (@TheGAAIA) March 14, 2024
Fish Farmer reported (14 March 2024):
"Staniford has used covertly filmed video to back up his argument that finfish aquaculture is damaging to the environment & to the fish being farmed. His typical approach has been to row to the farms by kayak at dawn before staff arrive on site"
— Don Staniford (@TheGAAIA) March 14, 2024
Intrafish reported (14 March 2024):
"Court rejects Staniford appeal over Mowi ban - the activist is still banned from boarding Mowi's farms in Scotland.....Mowi Scotland did not respond to a request for comment" @IntraFish @MowiScotlandLtd @AbdnConsidine @ScotlandSalmon @CrownEstateScot
— Don Staniford (@TheGAAIA) March 14, 2024
Salmon Business reported (14 March 2024):
Breaking: Court delivers opinion in Mowi Scotland vs. Don Staniford appeal - Interdict prohibits well known activist from boarding or entering onto Mowi’s marine farm structures @Salmon_Business @MowiScotlandLtd
— Don Staniford (@TheGAAIA) March 14, 2024
A Crowd Justice fund-raiser is still taking donations online here
Read more via:
Slapback vs the $almafia: Scottish Anti-SLAPP Summit in Glasgow
The Ferret: "Hundreds of green activists face legal threats from private companies and governments"
Scottish Anti-SLAPP Summit Hits Glasgow on 26 February!
Podcast: "The Chilling Effect of SLAPPs in Scotland"
"Mowi gives ground over ban on activist" (Fish Farming Expert)
Mowi vs Staniford Heads to the Sheriff Appeal Court in Edinburgh!
Mowi Appeal Hearing Set for 1 February 2024!
SLAPP Attack: Bakkafrost's Chilling Writ Attempts to Shut Down Surveillance!
GEO Podcast: "When Staniford is on the move, salmon farmers' alarm bells are ringing"
The Herald's Vicky Allan: "David vs three Goliaths"
Norway's E24 reporting on 'Zombie' Bakkafrost's SLAPP!
Scottish Anti-SLAPP Summit in Glasgow in February 2024 - spotlight on the $almafia!
Most Read: "Anti-salmon farm activist suffers new legal blow"
"Bakkafrost goes after anti-salmon farming activist in new legal case" (Intrafish)
'Zombie' Bakkafrost SLAPPs Back vs Horror Videos!
Fighting Back Vs the $almafia's $LAPPs (in the spirit of David slaying Goliath)!
Anti-SLAPP conference in London - fighting back vs the $almafia!
‘End Salmon Farming’ Tour Kicks Off Despite Legal Threats by Norwegian $almafia!
Mail On Sunday: "Salmon activist who's been banned from going within 50ft of dozens of fish farms"
The Times: "Kayak vigilante goes undercover to expose salmon farming ‘horror’"
EXPOSED: Welfare Abuse at RSPCA Assured Wester Ross Salmon Farm
Videos & Photos: Welfare Abuse at Wester Ross Fisheries (Mowi) in Loch Broom
Private Eye on Mowi's SLAPP in the face of public access/interest!
Oban Times: "Fish farming giant denies it wants to gag activist"
"Mowi Scotland denies it wants to ‘gag’ activist" (Fish Farmer)
SLAPPed by Norwegian Giant Mowi!
"Mowi court battle with notorious salmon farming opponent gets underway in Scotland" (Intrafish)
The Oban Times: "Mowi takes anti-salmon farming campaigner to court"
Pyrrhic Victory or Legal Loss - Mowi's 'asymmetric war' is doomed to failure!
Censored: Trade Press Ignore 'Droit de Response' (Right of Reply) - until politely asked to do so!
"The People Are Disgusted With Mowi's Legal Action Against Don Staniford - Stop Buying Mowi Salmon!"
Mowi Actively Courts Trade Press Backlash Vs 'Irrational' & 'Fanatical' Activist!
STV News: "Salmon farm firm takes legal action against animal welfare campaigner"
Press statement on lawsuit vs Mowi
Mowi press release: "Court order sought to protect health and safety"
"The anti-salmon farming activist Don Staniford is celebrating what he believes will be a partial victory in his appeal against an interdict preventing him from making unauthorised visits to Mowi Scotland fish farms" @salmonfarming1 @MowiScotlandLtd
— Don Staniford (@TheGAAIA) February 1, 2024
Legal Update: The Sheriff Appeal Court ruled yesterday that I can't board salmon farms @MowiScotlandLtd but I can 'encourage' others so long as I don't 'facilitate' or 'instruct'. I can operate drones & go within 15 metres. Here's @rspcaassured video footage shot before the ban
— Don Staniford (@TheGAAIA) March 15, 2024
Lifting the lid on @rspcaassured Mowi salmon - this is what 'welfare friendly' & 'responsible' Scottish salmon greenwashed via @ASC_aqua @tesco & @sainsburys really looks like. No wonder Mowi's lawyers are desperate to keep the public away! @AbdnConsidine @MowiScotlandLtd #Mowi
— Don Staniford (@TheGAAIA) March 20, 2024
Posted at 06:44 AM | Permalink
Don Staniford, the director of Scamon Scotland, told @MailOnline: "Salmon farming is a welfare nightmare and environmental pariah. 'The 'King of Fish' does not leap up waterfalls onto your dinner table - it's reared in cramped cages" @Harrods @Fortnums
— Don Staniford (@TheGAAIA) March 12, 2024
MailOnline reported (12 March 2024):
Don Staniford keeps the pressure on the salmon farming industry by investigating the most expensive retailers in London and catching them out.
— Free Salmon (@salmon_free) March 12, 2024
The MailOnline article by consumer affairs editor Sean Poulter included:
Feargal Sharkey Tweeted:
"Harrods and Fortnum & Mason investigated for 'dressing up cheap factory farmed salmon as luxury wild fish sold for up to £75 per kilo."
— Feargal Sharkey (@Feargal_Sharkey) March 12, 2024
Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear, Harrods and Fortnum & Mason
deceiving their customers whatever next?
Read more via:
World’s Best Busted: Harrods Caught in Salmon Scam
Telegraph: "Selfridges forced to remove misleading sustainable salmon claims"
Joanna Blythman in The Grocer: "We must take a stand against the sordid farmed salmon industry"
M&S Irresponsibly Sourced Scottish Salmon (as greenwashed by RSPCA Assured)!
Advertising Complaint Vs Sainsbury's "Responsibly Sourced" Scottish Salmon
Victory: The Pished Fish Sobers Up to False Claims Over "Sustainable" Scottish Salmon!
Scamon Alert: The Pished Fish Challenged Over "Sustainably Sourced" Scottish Salmon
Media Backgrounder: Irresponsibly Farmed Scottish Salmon
Hard Evidence Submitted with CMA & Trading Standards Complaint
Bullshit Called on M&S's "Responsibly Sourced" Scottish Salmon!
Gotcha: Mowi's "Responsibly Farmed" Scottish Salmon Caught in Advertising Standards Net!
Result - Applecross Smokehouse deletes "sustainable fisheries" claim following complaint!
Trading Standards Victory: "Our salmon is farm reared" admit Belhaven Smokehouse after complaint!
BBC News: "Rick Stein's shop changes description of smoked salmon after complaint"
Victory: Rick Stein Forced to Advertise Faroese Farmed Salmon After Trading Standards Investigation
Norwegian Government Asked to Divest from 'Unethical' & 'Irresponsible' Scottish Salmon!
Loch Duart drops "sustainable" claim after advertising ruling
World’s Best Busted: Harrods Caught in Salmon Scam!
— Don Staniford (@TheGAAIA) March 5, 2024
Video shot inside @Harrods Food Hall - watch how consumer vigilantes stopped illegal labeling of farmed salmon as wild @SevernWye @faroesenews @IntraFish @undercur @salmonfarming1 @fishfarmermag @thefishsite @Rick_Stein
Posted at 06:35 AM | Permalink
Download a complaint filed with Trading Standards at the Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea on 7 March 2024 online here
Calling Consumer Vigilantes!
— Don Staniford (@TheGAAIA) April 10, 2024
Here's how we caught Fortnum & Mason's posh food hall scamming gullible tourists in London @Fortnums
If @London_T_S & @CMAgovUK don't police labelling laws on Scottish salmon then it's up to everyone to step up to the plate
Posted at 07:15 AM | Permalink
World’s Best Busted: Harrods Caught in Salmon Scam!
— Don Staniford (@TheGAAIA) March 5, 2024
Video shot inside @Harrods Food Hall - watch how consumer vigilantes stopped illegal labeling of farmed salmon as wild @SevernWye @faroesenews @IntraFish @undercur @salmonfarming1 @fishfarmermag @thefishsite @Rick_Stein
Download press release and media backgrounder online here
Read more via:
Telegraph: "Selfridges forced to remove misleading sustainable salmon claims"
Joanna Blythman in The Grocer: "We must take a stand against the sordid farmed salmon industry"
M&S Irresponsibly Sourced Scottish Salmon (as greenwashed by RSPCA Assured)!
Advertising Complaint Vs Sainsbury's "Responsibly Sourced" Scottish Salmon
Victory: The Pished Fish Sobers Up to False Claims Over "Sustainable" Scottish Salmon!
Scamon Alert: The Pished Fish Challenged Over "Sustainably Sourced" Scottish Salmon
Media Backgrounder: Irresponsibly Farmed Scottish Salmon
Hard Evidence Submitted with CMA & Trading Standards Complaint
Bullshit Called on M&S's "Responsibly Sourced" Scottish Salmon!
Gotcha: Mowi's "Responsibly Farmed" Scottish Salmon Caught in Advertising Standards Net!
Result - Applecross Smokehouse deletes "sustainable fisheries" claim following complaint!
Trading Standards Victory: "Our salmon is farm reared" admit Belhaven Smokehouse after complaint!
BBC News: "Rick Stein's shop changes description of smoked salmon after complaint"
Victory: Rick Stein Forced to Advertise Faroese Farmed Salmon After Trading Standards Investigation
Norwegian Government Asked to Divest from 'Unethical' & 'Irresponsible' Scottish Salmon!
Loch Duart drops "sustainable" claim after advertising ruling
“No amount of greenwashing will alter the fact that salmon farming is inherently unsustainable. This victory is a shot across the bow of retailers who continue to make false green claims about ‘responsibly sourced’ Scottish salmon” @Telegraph @Selfridges
— Don Staniford (@TheGAAIA) December 7, 2023
Posted at 07:10 AM | Permalink
"The EC's price-fixing investigation has lifted the lid on a fishy cartel which has conspired to dupe both supermarkets and consumers. 'The Salmafia must be held to account and exposed as a sham, scam and consumer con" @MailOnline
— Don Staniford (@TheGAAIA) March 1, 2024
Mail Online reported (1 March 2024):
Staniford told @MailOnline the legal case turns a spotlight on what is a 'fishy cartel'. "Salmon no longer leaps up waterfalls onto your plates. All Scottish salmon is farmed in factory cages owned by multinationals who are like the McDonald's of the sea"
— Don Staniford (@TheGAAIA) March 2, 2024
Here's the newspaper version published in The Scottish Daily Mail (2 March 2024):
Salmon Wars @MailOnline: "The EC's price-fixing investigation has lifted the lid on a fishy cartel which has conspired to dupe both supermarkets and consumers. The Salmafia must be held to account and exposed as a sham, scam and consumer con" @marksandspencer @scotseafarms
— Don Staniford (@TheGAAIA) March 3, 2024
Leroy Seafood (co-owner of Scottish Sea Farms) reported in their Q4 2023 financial report published on 28 February 2024:
"In February 2024 a group of British supermarkets issued claims for damages in the UK against several Norwegian-owned aquaculture companies, including companies in the Lerøy Seafood Group" (Leroy Seafood Q4 2023 report) @EuropeanCommiss #Salmafia
— Don Staniford (@TheGAAIA) February 29, 2024
Posted at 07:03 AM | Permalink